Class of Keller-Segel chemotactic systems based on Einstein method of Brownian motion modeling
- Authors: Islam R.1, Ibragimov A.1,2
- Texas Tech University
- Institute of Oil and Gas Problems of the RAS
- Issue: Vol 70, No 2 (2024): Functional spaces. Differential operators. Problems of mathematics education
- Pages: 253-277
- Section: Articles
- URL:
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We study the movement of the living organism in a band form towards the presence of chemical substrates based on a system of partial differential evolution equations. We incorporate Einstein’s method of Brownian motion to deduce the chemotactic model exhibiting a traveling band. It is the first time that Einstein’s method has been used to motivate equations describing the mutual interaction of the chemotactic system. We have shown that in the presence of limited and unlimited substrate, traveling bands are achievable and it has been explained accordingly. We also study the stability of the constant steady states for the system. The linearized system about a constant steady state is obtained under the mixed Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions. We are able to find explicit conditions for linear instability. The linear stability is established with respect to the L2-norm, H1-norm, and L∞-norm under certain conditions.
About the authors
R. Islam
Texas Tech University
Author for correspondence.
Lubbock, USA
A. Ibragimov
Texas Tech University; Institute of Oil and Gas Problems of the RAS
Lubbock, USA; Moscow, Russia
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