Psychological-medical-pedagogical commissions in the context of inclusive education: Key evaluation indicators

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The education of children with disabilities is one of the priorities of the Russian social-economic development. The article considers the current issues in the organization of the activities of the psychological-medical-pedagogical commissions (hereinafter - PMPC) that provide comprehensive support for children with disabilities and act as the first stage in the process that determines the further individual educational route of each child. The article presents the results of the monitoring of the Federal Resource Center (hereinafter - FRC PMPC) created in April 2018 to provide organizational-methodological assistance to the managers and specialists of the PMPC; comparative data on the central and territorial PMPCs, their total number by regions (including its growth as compared to 2017), staff, managers’ education, place of work and premises; the total number of children examined and their age, the ratio of primary and secondary examinations, their reasons and who initiated them; information on the children who were examined, have limited health abilities and need special educational facilities or special conditions for passing the state final certification; the share of children to whom adapted educational programs were recommended. The authors describe activities of the commissions’ specialists, principles and methods of their teamwork, and identify aspects of the PMPC activities that need to be improved: the deficit of sign language teachers, visual impairment specialists and doctors, and PMPC’ insufficient equipment for conducting examinations.

About the authors

L Yu Vakorina

Center for the Protection of the Rights and Interests of Children

Author for correspondence.

директор Центра защиты прав и интересов детей

Lyusinovskaya, 51, Moscow, Russia, 115093

O G Prikhodko

Moscow City Pedagogical University


доктор педагогических наук, заведующая кафедрой логопедии и директор Института специального образования и комплексной реабилитации

2nd Selskokhozyastvenny Pr., 4, Moscow, Russia, 129226

O V Yugova

Moscow City Pedagogical University


кандидат педагогических наук, доцент кафедры логопедии Института специального образования и комплексной реабилитации

2nd Selskokhozyastvenny Pr., 4, Moscow, Russia, 129226


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Copyright (c) 2019 Vakorina L.Y., Prikhodko O.G., Yugova O.V.

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