No 3 (2008)
- Year: 2008
- Articles: 14
- URL:
Academic Science and Teaching Sociology in Peoples' Friendship University of Russia

Renascence of Russian Sociology and its Development in Post-Soviet Period

Self-determination and Substantiation of Paradigm
The article given describes the author's view on theoretical ideas by T.M. Dridze as well as on the derivative social technologies relevant to local self-government. Besides, the article touches upon interactions between scientific community and municipal authority, in particular municipal consulting. The author maintains that prediction social projection based upon ecoanthropocentric paradigm of social cognition and semiosociopsychologic concept of social communication should be interpreted as socially oriented management consulting of municipal development.

Authority and Intellectuals
The article analyses the «authority and intellectuals» problem through the concepts of L. Edwards' sociology of revolution. The author singles out «the transfer of intellectuals loyalty», i.e. modification of values and conduct within the groups, responsible for culturally legitimate «image of the world», who support this or that institutional forms of social order and authority. The process is seen as one of the symptoms of approaching revolution with its preconditions, mechanisms and character.

(Con)temporary Art: Aesthetic Practices of Modernism and Their Theoretical Account
The article gives an overview of the special features of modernist art as a complex sociocultural phenomenon. Aesthetic practices, characteristic for this period in art history, would be examined within the broad context of impacts and tendencies that constitute originality of Modernity and its social structures. The midpoints of conceptions of Modern Art by Clement Greenberg, Theodor W. Adorno and Umberto Eco are highlighted and analyzed.

Social Regulation of Nonlinear Processes Under Uncertainty
The article researches into the mechanisms of social self-regulation of nonlinear processes by the example of changing youth values. That gives a certain theoretical explanation of social regulation within modern societies and of rationalization of uncertainty.

Perception of Migrants in Russia and in Europe: Comparative Analysis
Migration growth is now observed all over the world. To form proper migration policies it is necessary to research into perception of immigrants in different countries as well as factors affecting it. The article, based upon «European Social Study», considers migration attitudes in 25 countries.

Specialists in Multisector Economy: Factors of Social Behaviour
The article considers the behaviour and values of «specialists» as a particular quantitatively representative group of modern Russian society. It gives a detailed description of their status and disposition dimensions such as wealth, income, living conditions, labour motivation as well as attitudes to economic and social institutions. The authors base their conclusions on the latest statistics and empiric sociological research.

Middle Class Youth: Myth or Reality
Many researches both in Russia and abroad are concerned with the question of whether middle class exists in Russia and, if so, what its distinctive features are. The problem of particular interest is the sources of recruiting to that social group. One of its source clusters is youth. The article considers main traits of middle class youth, their self-identification and their perception of Russian middle class.

Private Property in the Eye of Russians (Research Findings)
The onset and legalization of private property has become one of the most prominent milestones in the latest economic transformations in Russia. The article views the perception of public property as an important index of social well-being. The author substantiates his findings on the specific sociological research.

On Social Expertise of Managerial Decisions

The Humanitarian and Social Sciences Faculty and The Priority National Project «Education»
