Russia in the eyes of Serbian Students

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The paper is based on an empirical research of the attitudes of the student population in Serbia in terms of their opinions about Russia, the scope of their knowledge about that country and the sources on which they base their perception. In a separate stratum, on a representative sample, we studied the attitudes of the students in northern Kosovo to Russia, as well as other factors that were the subject of examination on the total student population in Serbia. In addition to the good general knowledge of Russia which was found, it was confirmed that Serbian students consider the Russian people close to them due to their Slavic origin and Orthodox belief and put Russia in the first place as a country toward which they have the most positive attitude.

About the authors

U V Šuvaković

University of Priština Temporary Head Office in Kosovska Mitrovica

Author for correspondence.

Department of Sociology Faculty of Philosophy

J S Petrović

University of Priština Temporary Head Office in Kosovska Mitrovica


Department of Sociology Faculty of Philosophy


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Copyright (c) 2012 Šuvaković, Petrović

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