The Problem of Modernization and Development of Russian Civil Society: the Dialectics of "We" versus "Me"

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The article provides insight into the issue of modernization and development of civil society through the lens of national character. The axis of the publication is the following argument: the economic system and the appropriate type of society are constructed by people in accordance with geographical and natural conditions. As the "construction" process advances, the fundamental social values, norms as well as the corresponding type of personality embodying national character take shape according to the prominent activity patterns. It is possible to change national character altering the norms which regulate human behaviour in economic and socio-political spheres. Thus, the Russian non-market-oriented national character has emerged ("We-civilization") as opposed to the Western market-based one ("Me-civilization"). However, things are gradually changing.

About the authors

К S Serdobintsev

The Academy of Management of the Interior Ministry of Russia

Author for correspondence.

Кафедра теории и социологии управления органами внутренних дел; Академия управления МВД России; The Academy of Management of the Interior Ministry of Russia


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Copyright (c) 2011 Serdobintsev

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