The emergence of synergistic complexities in Russia: A request for new university courses
- Authors: Kravchenko S.A1,2
- Moscow State University of International Relations
- Institute of Sociology of FCTAS RAS
- Issue: Vol 24, No 1 (2024)
- Pages: 43-57
- URL:
- DOI:
- EDN:
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The article explains the request for new approaches in the higher education as determined by the emergence of the “order out of chaos” (I. Prigogine) in the form of synergistic complexities. Their underestimation during perestroika and liberal reforms led to the crisis in the educational system and society. Until now, these actual issues have not been sufficiently represented in the educational programs of universities: students need synergistic knowledge that connects the achievements of social sciences, humanities and natural sciences and allows to analyze the nature of complex, non-linearly realities and manage them. The author considers the following synergistic realities: social-techno/digital-natural hybrids, complex spaces and time, interference risks and hybrid vulnerabilities, complex social identity, complexities of social consciousness, good and evil, scientific knowledge and education. To analyze the nature of synergistic realities, the author suggests a theoretical-methodological combination of three meta-paradigms: the theory of synergetics, which includes social-humanitarian and natural-scientific knowledge; theories that study the mutual influence of global and national-local factors; theories of nonlinear development and metamorphization. The author makes conclusions about the need for interdisciplinary and post-disciplinary courses for the study of synergistically complex realities, focusing on the Russian cultural specifics, which would allow to equip students with knowledge about complex causality; to form a creative personality with a set of cultural and professional competencies necessary for the preservation and reproduction of the Russian synergistic complexities with their national-cultural specifics; to develop a humanistic worldview and a socially responsible attitude towards society, macroand micro-worlds of nature and technological innovation, thus, contributing to the sovereign development of the country.
About the authors
S. A Kravchenko
Moscow State University of International Relations; Institute of Sociology of FCTAS RAS
Author for correspondence.
Vernadskogo Prosp., 76, Moscow, 119454, Russia; Krzhizhanovskogo St., 24/35-5, Moscow, 117218, Russia
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