Moral foundations of the municipal employees work


The article considers the current state of municipal service as a special type of professional activity with a specific ethical complex. The increased interest in the development of local self-government in Russia is determined by a new stage in the reform of municipal service as a social-legal institution and one of the most important types of professional activity in the contemporary society. The efficiency of local self-government directly depends on the level of the local population involvement, on the one hand, and on the municipal employees’ moral awareness of their activities, on the other. Professional ethics, due to its applied nature, performs an important task - specifies the general ethical principles of practical activity in relation to a particular profession. Ethical complex of municipal service as a regulator of the officials’ work ensures the efficiency of management activities, contributing to its increase. High requirements of professional ethics are mandatory for all employees; their fulfillment is the main condition for professionalism. In the contemporary society, professionalism, together with the corresponding knowledge, skills and abilities, forms the value-normative, ethical priorities of the individual, allowing to choose optimal formats for fulfilling one’s professional duties. Based on the analysis of legislative documents and the code of ethics, the article examines the criteria of professionalism and competence of the municipal employee, which are to increase the efficiency of their professional activities. Knowledge and compliance with the provisions of the Code is one of the criteria for assessing the quality of professional activity and official behavior. Professional culture is closely related to professional ethics; therefore, the development of professional culture helps to become a professional. The development of professional culture of municipal employees is ensured, on the one hand, by the legislative requirements; on the other hand, by the subjective perception of certain knowledge, abilities, values and norms of the code of ethics.

About the authors

V. S. Mukhametzhanova

RUDN University

Author for correspondence.
Miklukho-Maklaya St.,6, Moscow,117198, Russia


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