Social-managerial mechanisms for the implementation of the teacher’s professional standard: Features and prospects

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The quality of education directly depends on the level of the teachers’ professional training. There are many measures to improve the quality of education and teachers’ professionalism, and a significant part of them, including programs of the Russian national project “Education”, aim at providing a system for the professional development of the pedagogical community. One of the means in the trajectory of the personal-professional development of teachers is a professional standard. It has been implemented over the past ten years; however, there are still difficulties and limitations in its implementation, the elimination of which implies a systematic approach and special social-managerial mechanisms based on the following methodology: theory of social fields by P. Bourdieu, concept of a personified social-cultural management model by A.V. Tikhonov, and the dispositional theory of personality by V.A. Yadov. To identify the specifics of social-managerial mechanisms for the implementation of the teacher’s professional standard, the authors conducted a survey of pedagogical workers of educational organizations in the Orel Region. The respondents of the expert survey were heads of educational organizations and specialists of municipal structures in charge of the education system. The survey focused on teachers’ awareness of the content of professional development, their attitudes to the state education policy and expectations from the teacher’s development system and the national project “Education”. The survey showed a rather optimistic perception of the education system modernization by teachers, despite the ambiguous assessment of its specific measures. The need in developing personal-professional competencies of teachers by means of the additional professional education is obvious: a complex of such competencies is a condition for the perception of innovative and managerial processes. Social-administrative mechanisms should be based on the increasing subjectivity of teachers, their intentional and active readiness to participate in modernization of the education system. The study of the state policy measures in the field of the teachers’ professional development allowed the authors to identify four groups of mechanisms: motivational, control-evaluation, organizational and adaptive. Each group has specific features, but they are interconnected. The authors argue that we need to understand and take into account the tasks and regulatory, resource and procedural features of the identified mechanisms in order to minimize the risks of social conflicts and maintain social order in the education system.

About the authors

N. V. Prokazina

Central Russian Institute of Management - branch of RANEPA

Author for correspondence.
Oktyabrskaya St., 11, Orel, 302028, Russia

V. L. Lantsev

Palace of Pioneers and Schoolchildren named after Yu.A. Gagarin

Saltykov-Shchedrin St., 31, Orel, 302028, Russia


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