The youth’s perceptions of the labor market in Russia, China and Germany: A comparative analysis
- Authors: Savenkova A.S.1
- RUDN University
- Issue: Vol 21, No 3 (2021)
- Pages: 520-535
- Section: Contemporary society: the urgent issues and prospects for development
- URL:
- DOI:
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The study of the specifics of professional choice and of the factors that determine labor orientations of the youth is one of the urgent sociological tasks for researchers all over the world. The universal, supranational nature of this task under globalization explains the need to compare labor orientations of the Russian youth with their foreign peers. The article aims at assessing the basic ideas about the labor market of the youth in Russia, Germany and China. The empirical part of the article is presented by the survey and interviews of the Russian, German and Chinese youth. The author considers typical problems that the young professionals face when searching for a job, their opinions on the most important work qualities, similarities and differences in the perception of the ‘ideal worker’. Young people in Russia, Germany and China name different aspects of working life as the most important: Russian respondents value wages and the stability of organization more than the Chinese and especially German. On the other hand, German and Chinese students prefer activities that reveal personal creativity and leave space for personal life. Considering social capital, unlike their peers from Germany and China, Russian respondents do not associate the fact of having a university diploma with potential success in the labor market. More often than the Chinese and Germans respondents, the Russian youth mention nepotism and corruption as an obstacle to successful employment. Among the similar social perceptions of the respondents from three countries, one can name the difficulties associated with the lack of work experience. The interaction of educational institutions and employers can help in overcoming the difficulties that the young Russians face when searching for a job.
About the authors
A. S. Savenkova
RUDN University
Author for correspondence.
ассистент кафедры социологии
Miklukho-Maklaya St.,6, Moscow, 117198, RussiaReferences
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