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It is traditionally considered that in writing an interpreter translates the text sentence by sentence which in this case is a unit of the text and translation. In case of interpretation (oral translation) the interpreter translates the utterance. The utterance can be complex in structure and produced with pauses that can be used to “insert” the translation. In some cases, the utterance and the sentence may coincide in form. The study of the interpreter's operations and the materials to be translated shows that the traditional difference between the utterance and the sentence with respect to the type of translation (oral or written) is not always valid. The utterance may by its form coincide with the sentence and be relevant to the transla-tion. The presence of pauses while producing the utterance structures the statement turning it into a sequence of short phrases that are convenient for translation. The phrase is a minimum semantic unit suitable for translation. Formally, according to the technology of translation, the phrase should contain the meaning refer-ence points to nominate the subject and the action. In a practical situation, the interpreter can use the para-phrasing technique and fill the missing meaning reference point without changing its volume.

About the authors

L S Semenov

Moscow State Linguistic University

Author for correspondence.

Arkadii L'vovich Semenov, Doctor of Philology, Professor, Professor at the Department of Translation Theory and Practical Translation of English, Faculty of Translation and Interpreting, Moscow State Linguistic University; research interests: theory of translation, innovative information techniques in translation

38, Ostozhenka St., Moscow, Russia, 119034

I E Ershov

MGIMO University


Viktor Ivanovich Ershov, PhD of Philology, Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Military Department, MGIMO University; research interests: theory of translation, innovative approaches in translation teaching

76, Vernadsky Av., Moscow, Russia, 119454

N Yu Nelyubova

RUDN University


Nataliya Yur'evna Nelyubova, PhD of Philology, Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department of Foreign Languages, Faculty of Philology, RUDN University; research interests: comparative study of French, Russian and English

6, Miklukho-Maklay srt., Moscow, Russia, 117198


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  2. Nabokov, V.V. (2007). The Gift. Saint Petersburg: Azbuka-Klassika. (In Russ).
  3. Semenov, A.L. (2008). Basics of the general theory of translation and translation practice. Moscow: Izdatelskij Centr «Akademiya». (In Russ).
  4. Nabokov, V. The Gift. URL: (accessed: 20.05.2017).



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Copyright (c) 2017 Semenov L.S., Ershov I.E., Nelyubova N.Y.

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