Gender issue in the Runet blogosphere language

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Due to the active changes in the social structure and position of women over the past hundred years, and also due to the gradual increase in the influence of the feminist movement on everyday culture, the gender aspect of sociolinguistic research is of particular interest. This work relates to gender linguistics, its purpose is to study speech behavior in Runet, demonstrating the potential of the language in solving the problem of gender asymmetry. The study was conducted on the material of the Russian-speaking blogosphere, as the most open field for language experiments, which has a significant impact on the language practices of the younger generations and the formation of modern culture. The article studies, describes and analyzes the syntactic, morphological, lexical and word-formation processes observed in Runet: syntactic violations that serve to give constructions gender marking, transformation of stable phrases, new and newly updated word-formation models, the use of neologisms-feminists. In addition, the article for the first time describes the gender gap - a new graphic phenomenon observed exclusively in the oral-written Internet discourse.

About the authors

Valeria K. Soltys

Maksim Gorky Institute of Literature and Creative Writing

Author for correspondence.

postgraduate student of the Department of Russian Language and Stylistics of the Maxim Gorky Institute of Literature and Creative Writing. Research interests: media linguistics, sociolinguistics, Internet stylistics

25 Tverskoy Blvd, Moscow, 123104, Russian Federation


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