Vol 11, No 2 (2024)
- Year: 2024
- Articles: 8
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/public-administration/issue/view/1779
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2312-8313-2024-11-2
Full Issue
The Prospects for the Development of the Global Monetary System through the Implementation of Blockchain Technology: Impact on Political Institutions and Possibilities for the Development of the New Regions of the Russian Federation
The article examines the prospects for the development of the global monetary system in connection with the practical implementation of blockchain technology - cryptocurrency. The authors consider the main reasons for trust in money, as well as the reasons for the growing distrust of authorities and financial institutions in modern realities, along with the pros and cons of implementing cryptocurrency and blockchain in the financial system. An attempt is made to answer the question of whether cryptocurrency can change the modern financial system and what should be done to make these changes as effective and fast as possible. In addition to the influence of cryptocurrencies on the financial system, the article draws parallels with the impact of blockchain technology on existing political institutions. The authors analyze the possibilities of using cryptocurrencies for the development of the new regions of the Russian Federation.

Experience of Implementing Youth Social Projects in Moscow
The article analyzes the results of the implementation of youth social projects in the city of Moscow. Based on regulatory and theoretical sources, the author draws appropriate conclusions regarding the implementation and results of youth projects in the city of Moscow. The article analyzed self-realization of young people under existing conditions, based on their interests and social status. The author highlights importance of unlocking the potential of young people, which is based on the goal of developing civil society and supporting active youth and their role in the development of the country [1].

Provision of Medicines to Russian Citizens at the Expense of the Federal Budget: Features and Challenges
Despite the large number of government programs aimed at providing quality medical care and medication to certain categories of citizens, we are faced with significant shortcomings. In this article, the authors will examine the key Russian healthcare programs funded through federal subsidies and evaluate their pros and cons. The authors explore the legal regulations that govern these programs and identify the specific categories of citizens they are designed for.

Document Management in Local Governments: The Principle of Organization and Optimization Methods on the Example of the Municipal District Administration
The article discusses the organization of work with documents in a local government body on the example of the administration of the Perelyubsky municipal district of the Saratov region. The authors analyze the regulatory framework of the governing process. The research concludes with the assessment of the use and application of modern information technologies, such as the electronic document management system (hereinafter referred to as DMS). The authors proposed the methods for optimizing the process of managing documents in municipal bodies.

Public-private Partnership in the Republic of Turkey: The History of Formation and Peculiarities of Legal Regulation
The article analyzes public-private partnership as a legal institution of the Republic of Turkey. The authors examine the process of formation and development of this institution in the context of the global trend of its popularization as an instrument of economic policy. At the same time, it is emphasized that if in the era of the Ottoman Empire, public-private partnership was used as a way to pressure European countries on a weakening Port, then at the end of the last century this institution became widespread in the country as a mechanism for implementing neoliberal economic policy. The paper analyzes the current legislation regulating public-private partnership. The authors state the absence of a single normative legal act, as well as analyze the reasons for the current situation. The essence of each law is revealed in an inextricable connection with various models of public-private partnership. Special attention is paid to the sectors of the economy in which certain models are used. Special attention is paid to the peculiarities of the legal status of public-private partnership in Turkey. It is assumed that such a feature can be considered the active support of the state in the financing of the most significant projects. The paper emphasizes the focus of the country’s authorities on attracting foreign investment through public-private partnership. As the important feature the authors consider the broad powers of municipal authorities in the field of attracting business to the implementation of infrastructure projects. It is emphasized that this circumstance should not escape the attention of Russian researchers, since the participation of Russian commercial organizations in projects implemented by municipal authorities opens up new opportunities in strengthening the influence and positions of domestic business in this country. The article analyzes the ideologization of Turkey’s approach to the analysis of public-private partnership on the part of the academic community.

Current Trends in the Development of Chinese-Mexican Trade and Economic Cooperation
The article discusses the history of forming China and Mexico trade and economic cooperation and its current situation. Against the background of the analysis of the bilateral relations historical aspect, the current state of trade and economic relations has been studied and a number of problems have been identified. China’s high economic growth rates, the need for new markets and sources of raw materials are pushing this country to explore and develop the market of the Latin American region. Mexico, due to its geographical proximity to the United States, is of particular interest to China. The relevance of the article is due to the peculiarities of the current moment in the global situation and the active development of Chinese-Latin American relations.

Implementation of E-Government In Taxpayer Reporting Community of Lampung Province
Tax reporting is a manifestation of the obligations of citizens and the participation of taxpayers to directly and jointly carry out tax obligations for state financing and national development. The purpose of this study is to find out and understand how the application of information technology bases in government services (Electronic Government) is primarily in the use of e-Filing in the annual reporting of individual taxpayers in the Society of Lampung Province, Indonesia. The data analysis technique used in this study is a qualitative descriptive data analysis technique, namely a data analysis technique by describing the data obtained in its entirety, starting from the procedures for registration, reporting and electronic reporting proof documents at the Lampung Provincial Tax Office. The results of this study indicate the effectiveness of the use of e-Filing in the annual reporting of individual taxpayers, namely by system, tax reporting is more effective in terms of annual tax reporting and is more accurate because the technology system guides taxpayers in filling out Annual Tax Returns. Procedurally, tax reporting is easier because it fills in the Annual Tax Return in the form of a wizard and is faster because it can be done anywhere and anytime, namely 24 hours a day, 7 days a week because it utilizes the internet network.

Are Zimbabwe’s Local Units of Public Management Expendable?
The article focusses on the question of whether Zimbabwe’s local units of public management are substitutable. The question is asked considering Zimbabwe’s present heightened national government emasculation of lawfully designated local authorities’ powers and tasks. Water supply and sanitation, solid waste management, road construction and maintenance, healthcare, motor vehicle registration and licensing are just a few of the examples of local functions the national level has allocated to national agencies it directly controls over the past few years. Given this background, the article sought to explore through structured documentary analysis acceptability of the national level’s substitution of the local units of public governance in service delivery. Crucially, the engagement revolves around the fundamental policy issue of protecting the autonomy of the local units. Among others, the article finds that the local sphere of government is rooted in rich philosophies, theories and legal protections that make it indispensable in the country’s governmental system even as it is constantly encountering brutal assault seemingly designed to bring it into the orbit of national government; tamed, subdued and emasculated.