Stylistic Contrast in the Organization of Literary Texts in the Aspect of Translation: Based on the Material of the Lezghin and Russian Languages
- Authors: Barannikova T.B.1,2, Suleymanova F.N.3
- Dagestan State Pedagogical University
- Dagestan State University
- Institute of Language, Literature and Arts n.a. G. Tsadasa, the Dagestan Federal Research Center, Russian Academy of Sciences
- Pages: 451-459
- Section: Articles
- URL:
- DOI:
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The topicality and novelty of this article, devoted to the device of stylistic contrast, are predetermined by its rather poor study, as well as by the approach to its investigation from the angle of translation theory and comparative linguistics. The material of the research includes the examples of stylistic contrast selected from literary texts in the Lezghin language and their translations into Russian, Russian-language literary texts and their translations into the Lezghin language. The work is based on the semantico-stylistic and comparative methods, the method of linguistic description of a literary text, elements of linguoculturological and conceptual analysis, as well as the specific methods of translation studies (comparison of the translation and the original, comparison of various translations, questionnaire of informants, educational translation, an experiment). The results of the research consist in clarifying the proceeding interpretation of stylistic contrast, as well as in identifying the difficulties that translators face when transmitting it in a literary text, and indicating the algorithm for overcoming them. They can be used in the courses of Stylistics, Text Linguistics, Translation Theory and Practice, etc., as well as in the development of the translation direction in the Dagestani linguistics, which needs practical developments and theoretical generalizations.
About the authors
Tatyana B. Barannikova
Dagestan State Pedagogical University; Dagestan State University
Author for correspondence.
Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Chair of the English Language at the Dagestan State Pedagogical University; Professor of the Chair of the English Philology at the Dagestan State University
57, M. Yaragskogo Str., Makhachkala, 367003, Russian Federation; 45, M. Gadzhiev Str., Makhachkala, 367000, Russian FederationFatimat N. Suleymanova
Institute of Language, Literature and Arts n.a. G. Tsadasa, the Dagestan Federal Research Center, Russian Academy of Sciences
Candidate of Philological Sciences, Applicant of the Institute of Language, Literature and Arts n.a. G. Tsadasa
45, M. Gadzhiev Str., Makhachkala, 367000, Russian FederationReferences
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