Ethnocultural Identity of Migrants from the Eastern Regions of the former USSR in the Light of “Clash of Cultures” Theory
- Authors: Khilkhanova E.V.1, Khilkhanov D.L.2
- Institute of Linguistics of RAS
- East Siberian State Institute of Culture
- Issue: Vol 17, No 1 (2020)
- Pages: 31-38
- Section: Languages in contact
- URL:
- DOI:
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The article presents some results of the project, the purpose of which was to study the processes of definition and (re)construction of ethnic identity and its relationship with the language and culture of Asian migrants from the former USSR. The results are analyzed in terms of differences in cultures and values as the most important part of culture. This once again tests the universality of the theories of “clash of civilizations” and “clash of cultures” by S. Huntington and R. Lewis. The author comes to the conclusion that, first, cultural identity, unlike ethnic identity, is subject to transformation and at the same time it is stable. Secondly, the difference of cultures (“Eastern” and “Western”) exists and is perceived at the level of cultural values and norms, but it is not of a conflict, antagonistic nature. The conclusion explains the reasons for this in the light of the above-mentioned theories.
About the authors
Erzhen V. Khilkhanova
Institute of Linguistics of RAS
Author for correspondence.
Doctor of Sociology, Associate Professor, Professor of the Research Center for National-Language Relations of the Institute of Linguistics
1/1, building 28, B. Kislovsky, Moscow, 125009, Russian FederationDorzhi L. Khilkhanov
East Siberian State Institute of Culture
Dr. of Sociological Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor
1, Ul. Tereshkovoi, Ulan-Ude, Republic of Buryatia, 670031, Russian FederationReferences
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