The Poetics of Gatash in Russian Translations
- Authors: Nagumanova E.F.1
- Kazan Federal University
- Issue: Vol 16, No 2 (2019)
- Pages: 266-275
- URL:
- DOI:
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The article is devoted to the consideration of the genre nature of ghazal in Tatar literature of the late XX - early XXI centuries. The focus of research attention is the work of Radif Gatash, whose works are a model of love lyrics. The national poet was able to accommodate new techniques in the traditional genre, to uncover the problems facing modern society. The language of his works is metaphorical, different layers of vocabulary are skillfully combined in the text: the sublimely high-flown style coexists with a “simple” word. The author of the article aims to reveal the principles of the translation of Gatash’s poetry into Russian. In the course of a comparative analysis of the works of V. Khamidullina and A. Karimova, it is concluded that the Russian-speaking audience has the opportunity to experience the full peculiarity of the ghazals of the modern Tatar national poet. At the same time, as the study shows, the installation of the poet-translator itself plays an important role, whose creative search inevitably leads to liberties and transformational changes, which is especially noticeable in the translations of V. Khamidullina.
About the authors
Elvira F. Nagumanova
Kazan Federal University
Author for correspondence.
Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of the Department of Russian and Foreign Literature at the Institute of Philology and intercultural communication, Kazan Federal University
18, Kremlevskaya St., Kazan, 420008, Republic of Tatarstan, Russian FederationReferences
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