Gender Specificity of the Evaluation Strategy of the Association of Russian Native Speakers: Quantitative Aspect
- Authors: Chernishova E.B.1
- Borisoglebsk branch of Voronezh State University
- Issue: Vol 15, No 4 (2018)
- Pages: 554-563
- URL:
- DOI:
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The article deals with the actual problem of gender influence on the course of associative processes. The aim of the work is to identify and describe the gender specifics of the evaluation strategy of the association. The conclusions are based on the material of a free associative experiment with multiple reactions of examinees, conducted by the author in 2016 with female and male native speakers of Russian language aged 7 to 25 years. This type of experiment showed that the evaluation reactions mainly have the second and third rank in the associative series. The gender specificity of the evaluation association is registered in response to each proposed word stimulus, most vividly - to words-stimuli, strength, joy, peace. Evaluative reactions predominate in the associative fields of nuclear units among female examinees, first of all with girls 7-10 years and young women 18-25 years old. Thus, the free associative experiment with multiple reactions of the examinees makes it possible to obtain the most representative experimental material, including identifying gender features of the associative mechanism.
About the authors
Elena Borisovnais Chernishova
Borisoglebsk branch of Voronezh State University
Author for correspondence.
PhD in Philology, Associate Professor, department of primary and secondary professional education of tekhnologo-pedagogical faculty Borisoglebsk branch of Voronezh State University
43, Narodnaya str., Borisoglebsk, 397160, Russian FederationReferences
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