This article is about the language situation that has developed in Kosh-Agach district of the Republic of Altay, where Altaians, Kazakhs and Russians coexist. In everyday life, residents of this district use Altai, Kazakh and Russian words, which does not limit their comfortable communication. The above-mentioned situations demonstrate a tolerant attitude towards different cultures. The study substantiates the thesis that stereotyped situations are manifested at the level of ordinary consciousness in each of the languages functioning in the district. Thus, propositional structures that direct a speaker’s thought are realized in verbalizedjudgments using familiar words from Russian, Kazakh and Altaic languages. Analysis of everyday speech material can be used in teaching Russian. Such an approach will make it possible to understand the causes of the use of words from different languages, to reveal the specificity of inflectional and agglutinative languages, as well as to realize the uniqueness of the language situation in the district of Kosh-Agach.