- Authors: Isabekova UK1
- Moscow State University
- Issue: Vol 14, No 3 (2017)
- Pages: 423-430
- URL:
- DOI:
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Kashgari, as first Turkic philologist, by writing the work, called “DiwanLughatаt-Turk”, was the only source of information about the linguistic, cultural and ethnical lifestyle of the Turks. In addition, he gives a lot of information about their ethnography and culture, folk literature. A comparative study of Turkic languages and their dialects made by Kashgari as a scholar and conclusions which did not lose their importance till today shows that the Kashgari is the founder of comparative method in linguistics. In this paper we’ve tried to find out his psychological peculiarity, philosophical-ideological and interethnic values, social characteristics and historical and cultural sources. The prerequisite for the formation of Mahmud Kashgari as an individual is a historic context.
About the authors
U K Isabekova
Moscow State University
Author for correspondence.
Uldar Issabekkova is a Candidte in Filology, PhD-student at the Department of Turcology, Institute of the countries of Asia and Africa.
Mohovaya str., 11, Moscow, Russia, 125009References
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