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Lexical borrowings-inclusions imminently and permanently invade conversations of modern people. In line with professional or terminological usage, one can discover a certain fund of universal usages which could be revealed in various modern languages. Those came into usage both from classical languages - Latin and Greek and from modern languages - French, English, Italian, German and others. Their composition isn’t uniform: they make up discourse connectors (à propos), typical addressing nominations (Madame, Sir), standard expressions (Honoris causae, multa cum lauda) and further on - up to paroemia (Dum spiro, spero et al.).Goal and tasks of the research are due to the demand in analyzing usual senses of such inclusions; to make clear their status proceeding from their semantic and functional multidimensional nature. They reveal conservative senses, known in the source-language and preserved in modern usage in various languages, and on the contrary, they are flexible in meaning as a number of interpretations demonstrate it, especially in the paroemia sphere.

About the authors

Elena A Krasina

RUDN University

Author for correspondence.

Doctor in Philology, Professor of General and Russian Linguistics Department, Faculty of Philology, RUDN University

Miklukho-Maklaya str., 6, Moscow, Russia, 117198


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