A LOOSE TRANSLATION: TO THE PROBLEM OF LINGUO-CULTURAL ACCOMODATION OF RUSSIAN POETRY(on the Material of English-Language Translations of B. Okudzhava’s poems)

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The article is concerned with loose translations in the context of linguo-stylistics and intercultural communication. It provides definitions of the term “a loose translation” and a step-by-step comparative stylistic analysis of two poems by B. Okudzhava and their English-language equivalents. The comparative analysis of their semantics, rhythmo-metric characteristics, rhymes and vocabulary outlines the main features of a loose translation: the adequacy ratio of not lower than 20%, a system of maintained semantic connections with the original, a relatively high artistic value of the translation itself. The identified features enable to mark this type of translation very high in the hierarchy of poetic translation typology and recognize its significant role in an adequate dialoguing of intercultural communicants.

About the authors

A V Sycheva

North-Eastern State University




Abstract: 467

PDF (Russian): 462

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