
Socio-Political Divisions in Russian Society: The Perspective of Young People
Shlykova D.N.
Study of the Axiological Foundations of Russian Statehood: Prospects for the Application of Politico-Textological Analysis
Sorokopudova O.E., Mironov D.V.
Axiological Foundations of Russian Statehood: “Truth” and “Justice” in the Domestic Ideological and Political Discourse
Perevezentsev S.V., Ananiev D.A.
Ideas, Ideologies and Public Consent: Introducing the Issue
Gutorov V.A., Shirinyants A.A., Kazarinova D.B.
The Concept of the Political as a Space of Conceptual Controversies and Theoretical Debates
Prigorian N.
“The Right to the City” and Politicization of Urban Space: A Brief Literature Review
Podobueva V.A.
New dilemmas of the «just war» theory
Shanchenko E.P.
Statism and Cosmopolitanism on Global Justice and Universal Fundamental Rights
Coacci F.
Problem of Socio-Political Cleavages in Modern Russia
Shlykova D.N.
Russia in Anticipation of Changes: Religious Factor and Socio-political Preferences
Mchedlova M.M., Kofanova E.N.
Conceptual Foundations Of Deliberative Democracy
Zolotareva E.V.
Spiritual Values in the Context of Modernity
Kudryashova M.S.
Understanding Dominance of the Justice and Development Party in Turkey: the Ideological Dimension
Matiuhin V.V.
1 - 13 of 13 Items

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