“The Right to the City” and Politicization of Urban Space: A Brief Literature Review


The politicization of urban space is rapidly becoming the subject of special attention for political science. Urban political studies provide extensive literature on the topic. Although there is no single definition of a city’s public space in academia, we can trace some common characteristics in the existing definitions: a city’s public space is mainly defined through spatial categories, linking them with the socio-political and cultural-value context. The article also provides basic approaches and conceptual schemes that justify the process of politicization of the urban space. It is also worth noting that the authors of the works under consideration use the casestudy method to identify the general patterns of this process.

About the authors

Veronika A. Podobueva

RUDN University

Author for correspondence.
Email: Podobueva-va@rudn.ru
ORCID iD: 0009-0003-8940-6962

MA student of the Department of Comparative Politics

Moscow, Russian Federation


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