Vol 25, No 3 (2023): Political Urban and Rural Studies
- Year: 2023
- Articles: 15
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/political-science/issue/view/1691
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2313-1438-2023-25-3
Full Issue
Political Urban and Rural Studies: Introducing the Issue
The increase in the political subjectivity of non-state actors, primarily megacities, has long been articulated, but still has not received sufficient understanding. The ongoing processes of urbanization and globalization, on the one hand, and the processes of deurbanization and deglobalization, clearly manifested during the pandemic, give rise to many complex tasks of political management that require new approaches both in practice and in the theory of politics. The editorial board presents the current issue of the journal devoted to analysing the problems of the city and the countryside from a political perspective, stating political urban and rural studies as a subdiscipline of political science taking its first steps.

The Creative Potential of the City in the Context of Digitalization
Limited resources, multiple crises, socio-political tensions, development imbalances, and other challenges encourage cities to search for new development resources, especially intangible ones, and policies to tap into their potential. The research considers the creative potential of the city as an intangible development resource of this kind. The study aims to analyze the significant aspects and identify the mechanisms that are promising for cities to develop their creative potential in the context of digital transformations. The author analyzes several cases, numerous program and strategic documents, reports, and publications, paying particular attention to the period of the COVID-19 pandemic. The global crisis demonstrated that organizations in the creative sector are highly vulnerable and need substantial government support. However, it also contributed to the creation of innovative products, gave impetus to the emergence of new forms of self-organization, and tailored support measures coined by the city administrations. The crisis also highlighted the crucial role of ICT tools and digital strategies in the survival and competitiveness of many organizations from the cultural and creative sectors. In this context, and considering the key industry trends, the article discusses possible points of growth and promising formats of interaction between the industry and the city administrations. In conclusion, the author suggests specific tools significant for the development of the industry, such as digital development strategies, as well as organizational practices that can contribute to the realization of the creative potential of the city.

Political and Public-Legal Subjectivity of Urban Agglomerations
Due to the gigantic scale of Russia’s territory, the problem of the settlement system and urban agglomerations as its primary development centres is urgent. The purpose of this research is to identify opportunities and limitations, both legal and organizational, for the formation of governance systems for urban agglomerations. Having conducted a comparative analysis of the development and functioning of such systems in some countries with the conditions existing in the St. Petersburg region, the second populous city of Russia, the authors for the first time identify the development and governance problems of the urban agglomeration, the territory of which includes fully or partly the territories of two subjects of the Russian Federation: the federal city and the surrounding Leningrad region (oblast). For both variants of the agglomeration - with the 60 km and 120 km radius - the authors determine the model of the public power system for the Saint Petersburg agglomeration, acceptable from the point of view of the Russian legislation and the main modern management principles of rationality, effectiveness, and efficiency. The model does not envisage institutionalization with the creation of a complete public power system for the entire region but should be focused on the joint performance of functions with the inclusion in the process of all levels and authorities responsible for the life quality in the region. The first steps in this direction have been taken by both federation subjects in recent years. The unification of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region into one subject of federation, as well as the partial annexation of the region’s territory to the federal city, are not yet considered.

“The Right to the City” and Politicization of Urban Space: A Brief Literature Review
The politicization of urban space is rapidly becoming the subject of special attention for political science. Urban political studies provide extensive literature on the topic. Although there is no single definition of a city’s public space in academia, we can trace some common characteristics in the existing definitions: a city’s public space is mainly defined through spatial categories, linking them with the socio-political and cultural-value context. The article also provides basic approaches and conceptual schemes that justify the process of politicization of the urban space. It is also worth noting that the authors of the works under consideration use the casestudy method to identify the general patterns of this process.

The Impact of Urbanization and Population Policy on China’s Economy
Urbanization and Population policies are critical influential factors of economic growth, the quantitative and qualitative methods are applied to analyze the relationship between urbanization, population policy from 1950 to the present. The analysis of the correlations and patterns of urbanization processes and economic growth, allows to make prediction of future trends. China’s economy and urbanization are mutually beneficial. In the process of urbanization, a large quantity of labor has been transferred the secondary and tertiary industries, which significantly improved production efficiency. The population transfers from rural areas to small and medium-sized cities, and from small and mediumsized cities to large cities. The cities in the certain areas form a huge urban agglomeration. This brings a certain imbalanced regional development. People move from the western region to the eastern region because the economy in the eastern coastal area is more developed, with more employment opportunities, infrastructure, and medical care, which leads to imbalanced regional development. Based on the model prediction, the process of urbanization will reach its peak in 2040, and the urbanization rate will be more than 80 percent.

Twin Cities Movement in the Development of Regional Policy: The Experience of the New Territories
The institute of twin cities faces serious challenges due to the developing international crisis, when urban diplomacy, and successful practices of interstate civil cooperation, perceived for decades as unshakable and value-oriented, have been subjected to “suspension” or “cancellation”. On the other hand, the territorial changes of 2022, the entry of new territories into Russia, and the establishment of twinning relations between Russian cities and the cities of the Donbass region give the twin cities institute a new meaning and important political and cultural value. The formation and development of the twin cities’ axiosphere is an important factor in the development of interregional cooperation and the “linking” of Russian territories. The research is interdisciplinary. It deals with various issues of public policy, social philosophy, cultural studies, ethics, and economics. We discuss the specifics of a developing digital society and consider issues of regional governance from the standpoint of the axiological approach. The authors note the importance of civic initiatives and movements, social media, whose activities are aimed at maintaining the social sphere and forming a digital environment of trust, at intensifying urban, civic network cooperation as a counterbalance to the aggressive network practices of modern anti-Russian narratives.

The Institutionalization of Urban Communities of Major Regional Centers of the Russian Federation in the System of Political Conflict Management: Limits of Possibilities
In modern Russia, the problems of institutionalized participation of the communities of major regional centers in political conflict management and decision-making on the urban development agenda are becoming more relevant. Political institutionalization is considered by the authors in the context of the liberal theory of conflict, the neo-institutional approach, and illiberal peacebuilding. The authors draw conclusions on the growth of the subjectivity of urban communities with their lack of involvement in the system of political governance at the city level, based on the data of an empirical study conducted through semi-structured interviews with leaders and activists of urban communities in three major regional centers of Russia - Voronezh, Krasnodar, Yaroslavl, as well as an expert survey in these cities. The analysis of the “Krasnodar Tram” case reveals such problems as the low level of institutional trust in the system of interactions between urban communities and local authorities, as well as the lack of effective mechanisms for coordinating decisions in a conflict. Thus, the political institutionalization of communities is limited in scale, which is due to the state of the public policy space at the municipal level, the hybrid nature of institutional regulation, as well as the structure and characteristics of the activities of the communities themselves.

Policy and Practice of Revitalization of Industrial Heritage as a Factor in Improving the Quality of the Urban Environment of St. Petersburg
Due to the liquidation of many industries, many large industrial enterprises in Russian cities become ownerless and collapsing objects. For example, the St. Petersburg industrial zone, which occupies one-third of the urban area, has a depressive effect on the urban environment due to its current state. This research considers the problem of careful conversion and preservation of industrial heritage. The authors pay special attention to the revitalization of industrial facilities as a model for the development of a comfortable urban environment, taking into account the preservation of cultural identity, the values of the industrial era, as well as the organization of new public spaces and the creation of conditions for the development of cultural dialogue. The study reveals the problems of implementing the state cultural policy in the field of industrial heritage revitalization, considers the prospects for a dialogue between civil society and the state on the restoration of industrial zones, analyzes the possibilities of effectively attracting private sector resources, and identifies the main strategies for the development of industrial territories. The article is based on the results of a study of industrial facilities and complexes in St. Petersburg. The authors conclude about the relevance of the proposed revitalization model, which contributes to the effective use of the urban development potential of the depressed areas of St. Petersburg. The result of such activities is transforming industrial heritage into comfortable centers of attraction for people, with favorable conditions and investment attractiveness.

The Genesis of Dubai as a World City
Currently, there is a significant transformation of world politics at different levels, when non-State actors and sub-State territorial entities are intensifying their international activities. Indeed, the leading urban centers of the world - global and world cities do not stay away from these processes. The most ambitious, purposeful cities which are actively involved in global processes get a chance to break into the elite. An illustrative example of the implementation of these processes is the city of Dubai, which in a short, historically speaking, period went from a small fishing village to a leading global center - a well-known world city. Thus, the purpose of this study is to analyze the prerequisites, stages, main influencing factors and specifics of the development of international activity and the formation of Dubai as a world city. The research methodology is based on systematic, structural and functional research methods, a concrete historical approach, which allowed to identify historical preconditions, and periodization, to explore the scheme of the genesis of world cities on the example of the city of Dubai.

Digital Systems in Public Policy and Urban Planning: Lobbying, Examples, and Recommendations for Further Application
The use of digital systems in the face of growing global competition is one of the most important trends in the development of both corporate and public governance worldwide. Hence, the key task of the article is to analyze the specifics of the implementation and optimization of digital management systems in terms of minimizing political and economic risks. A comparative analysis of various cases clearly demonstrates that even lobbying for the introduction of digital planning and management systems can have both a positive and negative impact on government policy, depending on the specific situation. However, the demand for their use in state institutions at the federal and regional levels is only increasing every year, which opens up opportunities not only for potential customers, but also for performers and developers of digital systems. The authors prove that the deployment of innovative management technologies plays a crucial role in shaping the competitiveness and profitability of a company in both the public and private sectors. As an example, the authors consider options for implementing an enterprise resource planning system (ERP systems or Enterprise Resource Planning, i.e. a software solution that integrates the various business processes and functions of an organization into a single system), which led to failures due to a number of factors. On the other hand, examples of successful implementation of digital transformation projects in Russia are presented and a list of factors worth paying attention to when implementing urban planning projects in order to avoid financial losses in the future is given. The introduction of digital management systems in the practice of functioning of the unified system of public authority of the Russian Federation is an important step towards improving the management of public resources and improving the efficiency of government structures in general.

The Interaction of Society and Authorities in Urban Development: The Case of Big Cities of Northwestern Federal District
The balanced urban development, the formation of a comfortable urban environment, including the citizens’ active participation in these processes is a priority in the strategic objectives and national projects of the Russian Federation. To reveal the essence of the interactions between society and government the author uses the concept of “civic participation” as a process by which public associations or individuals are involved in interactions with the state (vertical interaction), with other socio-political institutions among themselves (horizontal interaction) to solve socially significant problems. Based on quantitative (questionnaire survey of the urban population, N = 2000) and qualitative (expert interviews, N = 47) methods tested in 5 large cities of the Northwestern Federal District, the author reveals the features of offline and online practices of interaction between the public and authorities, as well as the conditions for their formation in urban development issues. The author concludes that such practices as contacting the authorities and participating in initiative budgeting are more widespread in the cities than, for example, protest participation on the city’s issues. Despite the preference for offline practices for constructive interactions between society and authorities, the active use of information resources and online services is becoming timely. The institutional environment of civic participation is provided with formal regulators, but urban residents are far from being fully informed about them and are not aware of the legal opportunities and limitations that determine their participation in urban development. Informal norms as part of the institutional environment, on the one hand, contribute to the formation of sustainable interactions and organizational infrastructure of socially useful activity; on the other hand, they can be based on the illegal practice of manipulating statuses and resources, which causes the growth of public distrust of state and municipal authorities. The article substantiates the importance of forming a unified information field at the city level on the topical issues of concern to residents, on possible formats of civic participation in the development of a comfortable urban environment. The findings contribute to the understanding of the problems and opportunities for the use of civic participation in urban development.

The Leadership in the Institutional System of Rural Development Policy: The Results of the Empirical Study in Krasnodar Region
There is a lack of explanatory models and analytical tools for studying the role of intangible resources in rural development. Based on the results of theoretical modeling and empirical data from independent field studies, the article identifies and characterizes the leadership potential in the institutional system of rural development in the Krasnodar region. The multilevel analysis of leadership as an important component of intangible resources for rural development reveals the considerable potential of a set of resources (human, personal, professional, network, and institutional), which at present is not fully realized in the system of rural development institutions in the Krasnodar region. Leadership as an intangible development resource achieves the greatest effect when it comes to the creation of leadership communities and the institutional practices of their functioning as territorial development institutions. Regional and local identity act as the foundation and significant factors determining the leaders’ orientation towards involvement in the territorial development policies and building systems of human capital formation in rural communities, which can become one of the main directions for regional development strategies.

The Rural Areas of the Krasnodar Region in the Context of Spatial Development Policy: A Socio-Demographic Aspect
The development of rural areas of the Krasnodar region has to be studied within the framework of the spatial development policies implemented at the federal and regional levels and the features of social and demographic processes in the rural population of the region. The author concludes about significant structural changes in the composition of the rural population of the Kuban, which, due to the inertia of demographic processes, are not yet so noticeable today, but in the future may become irreversible. The author also notes that the development of rural areas in the region, in the presence of several general trends, is characterized by heterogeneity, which requires the development and implementation of spatial development programs considering the characteristics of specific rural areas. In addition, it should be considered that the models used in the implementation of rural development policies should consider not so much the economic component of the village (sectoral model), but focus on the development, first of all, of human capital in the unique conditions of a particular territory (neo-endogenous and territorial models).

Civic Participation of Young People in Small Territories of a Russian Large Industrial Region
Recently, the public discourse on the search for opportunities and sources of development of small territories has been updated. A significant role is assigned to young people involved in various practices of socio-political participation and solving urgent social problems. The aim of the work was to highlight the features of civic participation of young people in small territories, which can and should be considered for effective interaction between authorities and civil society institutions. Empirical data were collected through a questionnaire survey of the youth of the Sverdlovsk region aged 14-35 years, conducted in October 2022 (n = 2500 people). In the study, a subset of young people from small territories (1,091 people) was compared with the youth of a large city (784 people). Descriptive analysis methods and nonparametric tests were used for the analysis. The results showed that young people from small towns and rural settlements show less interest in politics, but at the same time, they are more involved in the problems of local communities, feel more responsible for what is happening in their hometown, compared to the young residents of a large city, and are also more optimistic in assessing their capabilities. Considering similar forms of civic participation, young people from small territories demonstrate greater activity and willingness to do something for their hometown, and its residents; they also have a higher involvement in patriotic actions. The youth of large cities and small territories differ in the ways they participate in voluntary activities, as the latter prefers collective rather than individual forms of participation. The problem of distrust of young people of small towns and rural settlements towards non-profit organizations with a higher level of interpersonal and institutional trust is outlined. The obtained results contribute to the understanding of the problems and possibilities of using the youth resource for the development of small territories.

Implementation and Legitimization of the Results of Remote Electronic Voting in the Regions of Russia: Features of Urban and Rural Practices
Remote electronic voting (REV) as technology is gradually taking root in the political practice in Russia. As the technology is legally and chronologically new, it is both interesting and necessary to explain its implementation, as well as to identify the technological basis of the REV and, therefore, questions about the potential illegal use of this technology. This study aims at identifying the elements of the analysis of the implementation and legitimation of REV in cities and villages across Russia. The research is based on qualitative sociological and general logical methods: in general, the author uses the dialectical-materialistic approach, as well as the tools of comparative politics. A series of expert interviews were conducted in 10 regions of Russia. The results of the study showed that the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation, the regional election commissions of the subjects of the Russian Federation, as well as regional and municipal authorities where the REV is being held, are at this stage looking for specific technologies to legitimize electronic voting. These practices will differ not only when comparing different regions, but also, most often, within one subject. One of the most significant differences will be noticeable with the introduction of REV in highly urbanized massifs and rural areas. Urban areas are characterized by the wide usage of political technologies to attract voters to electronic voting and legitimize it. Significantly larger budgets are invested in propaganda materials, including large, printed products (billboards, advertising at bus stops, and public transport). The idea of electronic voting is being promoted in social networks, mainly through VK, Telegram, Odnoklassniki, and WhatsApp. The rural areas, meanwhile, are characterized by activities aimed at personal contact with the voters and the use of informal connections. At the same time, today messages in social networks also reach rural residents, although most often it is not a purposeful activity, but a background capture of the audience. Concerning the improvement of the technological basis and the expansion of the geography of the REV, we can further elaborate on its legitimization and implementation, including in the context of the issues identified in this study.