The Concept of the Political as a Space of Conceptual Controversies and Theoretical Debates
- Authors: Prigorian N.1
- RUDN University
- Issue: Vol 25, No 4 (2023): New Reversals in the Theory and Methodology of Political Science
- Pages: 817-830
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- EDN:
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In the field of political theory and philosophy, the concept of political has undergone a complex evolution over the past century. Since its inception in the pioneering work of K. Schmitt in 1927, this term has become a deeply controversial concept, the interpretation of which was carried out by the most significant political theorists and philosophers of the twentieth century. However, Carl Schmitt, Hannah Arendt, Jürgen Habermas, and John Rawls made notable contributions to understanding the term. This article aims to reveal and analyze the three main approaches to the conceptualization of the political and to identify the differences/similarities between the three formulations. Each conceptualization of the political is explored through the prism of three components: the perception of the other; the principle of building political relationships in society; and the nature of the conflict and the forms of its resolution. Based on the comparative method and cognitive analysis, the essence laid down by each author is derived: political as an existential confrontation between friend/enemy of K. Schmitt; political as an activity that realizes human freedom in the interpretation of H. Arendt; and political as the space of rational consensus in J. Habermas and J. Rawls. Nevertheless, common elements or consequences can be traced even in radical different formulations. The critical importance of the dynamic and evolving nature of the concept of the political is recognized, however, the explanatory power of each concept of the political reality of the present is questioned. In conclusion, a new level of conceptualization of the political is proposed, which considers the instability and uncertainty of the modern world.
About the authors
Nelly Prigorian
RUDN University
Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-9247-7695
Postgraduate of the Department of Comparative Politics
Moscow Russian FederationReferences
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