“Technogeneous” Imagery of Alexander Eryomenko’s Poetry in the Context of Evolution of his Romantic World Outlook

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The article deals with “technogeneous” imagery in the poetry of Alexander Eryomenko. In his texts of the 1984-1986 period technical and scientific images are often compared with natural objects. This topic has been understudied. Various statements have been made by philologists about the ethical dimension of this imagery. The main aim of this article is to disprove these statements. Poetic texts of the later period (1987-1989) are devoted to politics. The purpose of this article is to identify the link between the two periods of his work. The task is to reveal the ideological orientations of these periods. Poet actively opposed his art to Soviet ideology and Russian nationalists. The author of the article suggests the following thesis: the two periods correspond to two stages which show how his romantic world outlook unfolded. Alexander Eryomenko first absolutized the mechanistical nature of the outside world (“Non-I”), and later singled out the “image of the enemy” in it. In the postSoviet period (after 1991) the poet gave up both political and poetic activities. The reason for it is the exhaustion of the romantic conflict and the “image of the enemy”. Philology has studied the issue of the romantic world outlook in contemporary literature insufficiently. The methodology of this article reveals its potential results.

About the authors

Kirill N. Ankudinov

Adyghe State University

Author for correspondence.
Email: ankudinovkirill@rambler.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-3474-672X

Candidate of Philology, Docent, Department of Literature Science and Journalism

208 Pervomayskaia St, Maykop, 385000, Russian Federation


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