Vol 25, No 2 (2020)
- Year: 2020
- Articles: 21
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/literary-criticism/issue/view/1350
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2312-9220-2020-25-2
Full Issue
An imaginary journey to an utopian anti-world (on the example of “The Tale of Luxurious Life and Fun”)
“The Tale of a Luxurious Life and Fun” is a late composition of Old Russian literature, it includes some references to European sources (including Polish and Ancient Roman literature). Democratic literature of the 17th century offered the readers to get acquainted with other characters and plots: a person who is not distinguished by virtues becomes the main character of the story, which deals with staying in an amazing country of luxury and fun and the way to this country. With special care, the author draws a possible and desirable life of a hawk and a lazy person in a utopian world, but warns about the cost of staying in such an amazing place. Parodying the genre of walking known in Old Russia, in which the pilgrim was enriched spiritually, the writer tells about a new type of travel that devalues and depersonalizes a person, deprives him of the possibility of development. The absence of direct edifying and didactic digressions, however, does not deprive the text of depth: the hero is given the opportunity to choose, and he has the right to decide how to behave and which path to choose.

“Singing mountains” in the late Khlebnikov’s poetic manner: geognostic code in the autocommunicative model
This article analyzes the peculiarities of realization of the motif of “singing mountains” (and its variations) in the later period of artistic and philosophical searches of Russian poet and thinker, one of the originators of futuristic movement - Velimir Khlebnikov. Representations of the geognostic code are given in the paradigm of autocommunicative model peculiar to philosophical and aesthetic thinking of the poet. The actuality of the work is determined by the insufficient previous study of the problem of functioning of geognostic elements in the Khlebnikov’s universe, as well as the importance of studying the autocommunicative strategies implemented in poetic texts with a complex structure and a high degree of “encryption” of the material. Structural semiotic and mythopoetic approaches together with elements of textological and componential analysis methods allowed to reveal mythopoetic motifs that are structurally and typologically close to the phenomenon of “singing mountains”. Based on the consideration of the post-revolutionary works of “rechetvorets” (“wordwright”) an assumption is made that their geognostic motifs can be configured both at the level of mythopoetic units and additional codes, and of “natural objects” that become independent communicators (addressant and addressee) in the system “I - I”. The contours of intertextual field analysis in the space of implementation of the considered motif are outlined.

At the origins of epic work (to the history of the first chapter of V.P. Astafiev’s novel “Damned and Killed”)
The article is devoted to two early draft autographs of the first chapter of V.P. Astafiev’s novel “Damned and Killed”, discovered in the State Archive of the Perm Krai. They are compared in detail with each other and with the definitive text, which allows to clarify for the first time some essential aspects of the creative history of the work of Victor Astafiev at its initial stage. The analysis made it possible to understand the sequence and meaning of a number of author’s decisions. The artistic imagery and stylistics of the novel tightened. This was reflected in the alteration of the title complex, as well as in a change in the visual angle, in strengthening the epic principle, and the increasing role of sound. Biographically motivated was the change in the name and surname of the protagonist Lyosha Shestakov (originally - Tolya Mazov). At the same time, the identification of differences between handwritten drafts and the final version showed that they do not affect the conceptual essence of the epic novel. The idea of war as an unnatural state of the world, as a series of events that irreparably traumatize human nature, unites all options, acquiring great expressiveness during the course of Astafiev’s work on the book.

Russian and Russian-speaking prose in the situation of multiculturality: experience of Kazakhstan
The article is devoted to the modern literary process in Kazakhstan, specially its Russian and Russian-speaking segment against the background of integration movements in the world and specific cultural processes in the post-Soviet space. It reveals how much the situation and part of literature created in Russian language in the region over the past decades has changed, how a different identity, the mentality of a different culture is expressed and how in turn this culture affects Russian-language texts. An attempt is made to trace the main trends in the development of modern Kazakhstani literature in Russian, in connection with which the works of I. Odegov, G. Doronin, H. Adibaev, D. Nakipov, A. Zhaksylykov and others are analyzed. It is concluded that the Russian language, even after losing its former status, remains in demand in the literature not only by ethnic Russians, but also by Kazakh bilinguals who are successfully experimenting with Turkisms. At the same time, Russian authors are concerned about the preservation of national identity, which motivates the appeal to classics and national folklore, while Kazakhs are more focused on the space of world literature.

Dramaturgy of N. Kurilov in the Yukagir literature system
The article discusses the plays of the contemporary author N. Kurilov, which raise a number of problems characteristic of Yukagir literature. Poor knowledge of northern literature, the lack of full-fledged research based on materials of modern authors confirm the relevance of this work. The purpose of the article is to analyze the features of N. Kurilov’s plays to determine their place in the Yukagir drama and to identify literary connections with the works of other Yukaghir authors. In his works N. Kurilov continues the traditions of G. Kurilov a children’s writer and playwright as well as G. Dyachkov whose plays highlighted the social and moral problems of the Yukagirs. N. Kurilov considers these problems from a different angle, which is significantly manifested in the spatio-temporal characteristics and in the selection of folklore material. In addition, the author introduces a number of new questions that have not previously been heard in Yukagir drama, a special place in the works is occupied by children and children's education. The playwright thinks about the causes of the disappearance of the people, the gradual loss of language, traditions and religious beliefs. One of the features of the author’s view is the idea that the destruction of an ethnic group occurs among other things through the fault of the Yukagirs themselves who have ceased to preserve their identity. However, the plays express not only bitter regret but also a bright hope for the revival of one of the most ancient Siberian cultures.

Comparative Studies
I. Turgenev's novel “Fathers and Sons” in Chinese literary studies
The article discusses the historical and functional aspect of the study about the novel by I.S. Turgenev’s “Fathers and Sons” in China. The focus is on a large number of works devoted to the Russian classic over the past century. At the same time, the historical path that the Chinese literary studies have gone through is viewed - a gradual overcoming of the sociological, in essence of Russian Association of Proletarian Writers (RAPP), approach to the study of elegant literature, shifting the attention of articles’ authors from arbitrary interpretation of content to a plan for considering the content form. Such topics as Turgenev’s landscape, psychological depiction, and Turgenev’s hero are covered in more detail. The conclusion is drawn about the continued attention of Chinese writers to Russian classics.

Spatial and temporal organization of the story of I.A. Bunin “Cold Autumn”
This article is an analysis of the chronotope in I.A. Bunin’s story “Cold Autumn”. From the point of view of the spatio-temporal organization, this text is built quite unusually: it is clearly divided into three parts, each of which has its own characteristic. Time in the story is presented non-linearly, it flows at different speeds - the description of one evening of characters is as detailed as possible and takes two-thirds of the story, and the rest of the heroine’s life is only one-third. In general, the story is built retrospectively and is focused on the memories of the heroine, therefore, many dates are given indirectly. The space in the story is based on the contrast between a detailed description of the estate and the locus of the house and an abstract enumeration of the heroine’s multiple movements abroad. This detailed description of the events taking place in Russia and the abstraction of space and time abroad may be related to the author’s personal experience: “Cold Autumn” which was created in exile bears the imprint of Bunin’s longing and nostalgia for the lost Homeland. In this study, the spatio-temporal organization of the story “Cold Autumn” is fitted into the context of I.A. Bunin’s works and is also compared with the concept of the chronotope presented by B. Pasternak in the novel “Doctor Zhivago”.

The state of researches of modern Russian female prose in Сhina
In the 80s and 90s of the 20th century, women’s literature in Russia began to rapidly develop and become recognized as a special phenomenon - for the first time after the last turn of the epoch: Soviet literature was rarely considered in Russian literary criticism from a gender point of view. The creativity of modern women writers became a vivid phenomenon in the context of the Russian literary process, revealed a unique female view of many socio-psychological problems, and in its own way reflected the historical turning point experienced by Russian society. In China, traditionally sensitive to Russian culture, the growth of female literature in Russia was noted almost immediately, and Chinese scientists have so far achieved considerable results in studying the specifics of themes, plots, typology of heroes, artistic styles, and the language of Russian female literature. This article is aimed at summarizing the current state of research on the work of Russian writers in China. It presents both generalizing works and materials devoted to individual writers’ personalities (L. Petrushevskaya, T. Tolstaya, L. Ulitskaya).

The image of muse in the poems “Muse” of A.S. Pushkin, A.A. Akhmatova and M.S. Petrovykh
Due to the relatively small number of generalizing results of the study, considering a parallel comparative analysis of the work of the Soviet poetess Maria Sergeevna Petrovykh with her predecessors, the research on that problem is relevant and practical. This article discusses the images of “Muse”, a favorite lyrical object of admiration for poets, in the eponymous poems “Muse” by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, Anna Andreevna Akhmatova and Maria Sergeyevna Petrovykh. In the process of clarifying and analyzing the problem of the situation, the following operations are carried out: 1) an indication of the poetic techniques used by the authors; 2) the definition of the image of the “Muse” of each poet in his poem; 3) a comparison of the similarities and differences of these common and eternal artistic portraits depicted by three prominent poets.

Poetics of the cycle “Parting With a Friend” by Cao Zhi
The article is devoted to a comprehensive review of an Early Medieval Chinese poetic cycle, consisting of two friendly messages preceded by a preface, - the “Parting With a Friend” by Cao Zhi (192-232). The article is the first to provide an interlinear translation and a sequential analysis of the cycle. In progress of the analysis the images, tropes and figures in both poems, the motives, different types of connection between the motives, the themes of the poems, their compositional structures, genre identity, and the peculiarities of the poetics of the “Parting With a Friend” as a cycle were examined in detail. By the example of the “Parting With a Friend”, conclusions regarding the appearance of a poetic cycle in Chinese literature at the turn of Antiquity and the Middle Ages were drawn. The poetics of the “Parting With a Friend” was examined on the base of the Western theoretical material, which makes our study not purely synological, but partly comparative.

Semantics of festivities in “Christmas Carol” by Ch. Dickens
The article concerns the language units, forming the semantics of festivities in one of the most popular works by Charles Dickens - the great English writer of Victorian Era, namely “A Christmas Carol” (1843). This work has been the subject for a lot of research, the story however is not investigated within the framework of some allied sciences. An attempt to use linguistic, linguistic culture and literary criticism approaches has been made to analyze the story. The eleven theme groups were found and the linguistic units were picked up. Those units create the unique picture of Christmas festivities. The examples from the text are analyzed. Around one thousand language units describing Christmas are analyzed. The conclusion is made that the writer created the morally important, educating work. At the same time, he attracted attention to Christmas in Britain, criticizing the drawbacks of the society as well as in Victorian England. The palette of stylistic and language means is rich and wonderful.

Hungary evening press: Az Est’s special role
The article is devoted to the flagship of the evening Hungarian press - the newspaper Az Est . The publication is considered in the context of the situation in the press in the first third of the twentieth century. The article provides a comprehensive analysis of the innovations applied by the publishers of Az Est . Attention was drawn to the placement of serious news information along with the publication of sensations, a special layout, including, in particular, large headlines, one-column articles and a large amount of illustrative material addressed by artists, the rejection of templates familiar to other Hungarian publications of that time. It is noted that the political diary, as the newspaper described itself, lacked a political position and attachment to any political party. The circulation of the newspaper significantly exceeded the circulation of other publications and in some years reached almost half a million copies. The first major Hungarian press tycoon Andor Miklos is featured as the founder, owner and editor-inchief of the newspaper. The formation of his media empire was fully facilitated by the success of Az Est , a newspaper that was initially considered by its creator as a business project that created a competitive situation in the Hungarian newspaper business and, subsequently, in the publishing business. It also analyzes the PR and advertising campaigns that preceded the launch of the newspaper and aroused public interest. The novelty of this article is that there is no research by the Az Est newspaper in the domestic scientific literature, as well as any materials in Russian related to the Hungarian evening press.

The role of television in the implementation of Russian state national policy: typology, genre, formats
The article presents the results of the analysis of the implementation of the tasks of the Strategy of the State National Policy of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025 by television. The study was conducted on the basis of television information and analytical products defined by the Action Plans for the implementation of the Strategy’s objectives. Television programs included in the Plans are considered from 2013 to the present, taking into account the continuity of the Strategy, as the main doctrinal document in the field of national policy. In studying the role of the media in the implementation of the Strategy, the approach proposed in the article was applied for the first time. The analysis sampled and systematized television programs on the objectives of the Strategy. As a result of the study, typological features of television channels, genre characteristics of television programs are presented, journalistic techniques of implementation of tasks are defined, which programs identified in the Plans are more or less in line with the tasks of the Strategy of State National Policy are revealed. The study concluded that most television products meet the objectives of the Strategy and implement them.

Rhetorical model of communication in the composition of ancient Russian book “A Word of a Some Monk about Reading Books”
The article is devoted to the foundation of the rhetorical model of communication in the text of an unknown author “A Word of a Some Monk about Reading Books”, included in one of the most ancient collections of manuscripts Izbornik of the year 1076, in the plan of its specification concerning communication. In the communicative direction, the subject of this rhetorical model is the communicative-rhetorical activity of man as a subject acting by a word, and the reader to whom the influence of the “Word” is directed. The main components of the rhetorical model of communication are analyzed: communicative context, author’s image, audience image, situationally oriented, rhetorically processed text. This is the first essay in the history of Russian culture about the benefits, methods and purposes of reading. A feature of the writing of the text in the “Word” is the reinvention of the Holy Scripture by the author in the presence of non-canonical motifs, the predominance of practical over theoretical.

The Miracle or the Monster? The problem of institutional communication supremacy in the regional TV news
The scientific objective of the study was to show the markers of institutional communication, that express themselves in discourse shifting from the frame “information” to the frame “PR” in the news of regional TV channels. The study was conducted on the materials of the plots about construction in the news programs of four Crimea state TV channels. The analysis sampled and systematized the semantic and lexical markers of institutional communication. The article defines the dominancy of the texts with PR in the TV news plots about construction in Crimea, revealed the insecurity of this phenomenon for the journalist’s professional tasks. Such approach proposed in the article was applied for the first time. In studying the methods of researching were: discourse-analysis, content-analysis, systematization, synthesis. The study concluded the non-consent of the dramatic contradiction between the journalism and PR in the regional news programs for today.

Russian television channels on YouTube platform
The article is devoted to the analysis of the activities of Russian television channels on the YouTube site. This is one of the stages of a comprehensive study conducted by the Department of Television and Radio Broadcasting, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University to understand the processes of transformation of audiovisual content in digital space. At this stage, in 2019, July 27 Russian television channels were selected (including channels in Russian multiplexes), their YouTube accounts were analysed, in terms of the number of subscribers and added videos, as well as the most popular video data channels, the audience’s reaction to them, monetisation, timing, etc. As a result of the preliminary stage of the study, it was found that on most channels there is a “cheat” of views and likes by “bots”, as a result of which the videos do not go to the YouTube trends section and do not become viral.

Drones and media industry

Creating an image in real estate advertising texts
This article presents some results obtained in the study of the advertising image characteristics in marketing communications (on the example of Russian residential real estate advertising). The study materials present print media advertising and online advertising, as well as construction companies and residential areas websites. To achieve the goal, a survey, analytical, theoretical, systemic, pragmatic methods, as well as methods of continuous sampling of linguistic means, techniques and units from marketing communications texts that create an image of a product, and of semantic interpretation and identification were used. The analysis revealed that brand names, epithets, metaphors and phraseological units are the most productive in creating the image of residential real estate in marketing communications. The concept of social and ethical marketing integrates advertising of real estate marketing products, when the product image goes beyond consumption standards and becomes media itself, creating a new communication.

Adventures of a philologist, or A few words about the book by Mikhail Golubkov “Yuri Polyakov: context, subtext, intertext and other adventures of the text. Scientific (and not so) notes of one seminar”. Moscow: AST Publ., 2020. 256 p.
The review analyzes the edition published to the anniversary of the Russian writer Yu.M. Polyakov. The collection with an interesting subtitle “Scientists (and not so) notes of one seminar” does not correspond to the canons of a collective monograph or a collection of scientific articles. It is built in the form of a dialogue between the head of the scientific seminar “The Twentieth Century as a Literary Epoch” Professor M.M. Golubkov and his students, this is the peculiarity of the book. On its pages, the work of Yu.M. Polyakov represented by the main works, such as “Novel in the Era of Change”, “Kid in Milk”, “Mushroom King”, “Plaster Trumpeter”, “Fun life, or Sex in the USSR”, stories, novels, and other works is analyzed in the aspect of literary relations, problems, and poetics. The book is also addressed to the general reader, as it touches upon the understanding of the problems of the historical “today”.

The Cross Year of Russia and Japan in the media
Russian-Japanese relations are historically ambiguous. Recently, the situation began to change and the Cross Year of Japan in Russia and Russia in Japan project (2018-2019) influenced these changes. The article is an overview of the materials of the Russian and Japanese media on the activities of this international project.

Publication activity as an indicator of scientific status