Adventures of a philologist, or A few words about the book by Mikhail Golubkov “Yuri Polyakov: context, subtext, intertext and other adventures of the text. Scientific (and not so) notes of one seminar”. Moscow: AST Publ., 2020. 256 p.
- Authors: Korshunova E.A.1
- Lomonosov Moscow State University
- Issue: Vol 25, No 2 (2020)
- Pages: 374-378
- Section: REVEWS
- URL:
- DOI:
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The review analyzes the edition published to the anniversary of the Russian writer Yu.M. Polyakov. The collection with an interesting subtitle “Scientists (and not so) notes of one seminar” does not correspond to the canons of a collective monograph or a collection of scientific articles. It is built in the form of a dialogue between the head of the scientific seminar “The Twentieth Century as a Literary Epoch” Professor M.M. Golubkov and his students, this is the peculiarity of the book. On its pages, the work of Yu.M. Polyakov represented by the main works, such as “Novel in the Era of Change”, “Kid in Milk”, “Mushroom King”, “Plaster Trumpeter”, “Fun life, or Sex in the USSR”, stories, novels, and other works is analyzed in the aspect of literary relations, problems, and poetics. The book is also addressed to the general reader, as it touches upon the understanding of the problems of the historical “today”.
About the authors
Evgeniia A. Korshunova
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Author for correspondence.
Cand. Sci., Doctoral Candidate of the Department of History of Modern Russian Literature and Modern Literary Process
1 Leninskie Gory, bldg. 51, Moscow, 119991, Russian FederationReferences
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