
The standards of the foreign defendants notification in the economic disputes resolution
Mokhova E.V., Butakova I.S.
Bargaining inequality: ways to overcome it in international commercial law and in private international law
Fonotova O.V., Belyaeva L.E.
The international and legal regulation in the sphere of struggle with legalization (laundering) of money obtained illegally, its impact on the national legislation
Denisov I.K.
The first experience of specific species of wild fauna protection in the Antarctic Treaty System
Kopylov S.M.
Transformation of several issues of exemption from obligations under cross-border and domestic contracts due to COVID-19: analysis of judicial practice
Alimova Y.O.
The contracts of NGO approved by the government of the country are fully legitimate norms of international law
Dzhantaev K.M.
Settlement of international investment disputes between states
Abashidze A.K., Kozmenko A.V.
Biomedicine issues in the European Court of Human Rights Case-Law: Boljević v. Serbia
Bukuru J.
The legal profession in the system of measures for ensuring the right to the protection from criminal prosecution
Selina E.V., Yastrebov O.A.
Main factors and circumstances, which had promoted for adoption of the African charter on human and peoples’ rights
Syraba Diallo -.
International Legal Regulation of Genetic Research and Implementation of International Legal Standards in this sphere into Russian Legislation
Kubyshkin A.V., Kosilkin S.V.
Current problems of interstate cooperation of Russian Federation for the protection of children in case of disputes between parents living in different states
Abashidze A.K., Gugunskiy D.A., Koneva A.E., Solntsev A.M.
Treaty capacity of international non-governmental organizations
Dzhantaev K.M.
Butt M.S.
Cooperation between the Council of Europe and the European Union in the Sphere of Ensuring Human Rights and Freedoms
Drozdov R.N.
Legal regulation of prevention and compensation for environmental damage inland seas
Yakovlev A.V.
The Nuremberg Trials and The Principle of Respect for The Practice of the European Court of Human Rights
Nikolaev A.M.
Comparative analyses of provisions of the un's General Assembly's resolution 96 (I) and Convention on the preventive and punishment of the crime of genocide
Daduani T.G.
The need for a decision of the universal international convention in providing information security
Kvantaliani I.E.
Measures undertaken by the Caribbean States for the co-ordination of their internal laws with the provisions of Convention on the Rights of the Child
Pianzina N.A.
Implementation of the European Court of Human Rights in the criminal process of the Russian Federation
Selina E.V.
International obligations in the sphere of protected natural areas' management's: compliance procedures
Skripnik I.I., Solntsev A.M.
The right to alternative service
Abashidze A.K., Kolesnikova A.V.
Права женщин на защиту от различных форм дискриминации
Zakoldaeva E.V.
International legal aspects, relating to ratification by Russia the Convention on rights of persons with disabilities
Klishas A.A.
Elaboration and adoption of the Cartagena Protocol on biosafety 2000: travaux préparatoires
Schegoleva A.M.
International principles and standards for the protection of honor and dignity of participants in criminal proceedings
Burenina O.V.
Certain requirements for jurisdiction of the International center for settlement of investment disputes
Kozmenko A.V.
1 - 28 of 28 Items

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