
The legal regime of the share in the authorized capital of a limited liability company acquired by spouses during marriage, during the life of the spouses and after the death of one of the spouses
Kozlova N.V., Filippova S.Y.
Characteristics and classification of intangible assets
Kress V.V.
The right to a view in Russia: History, legislation and future prospects
Andreeva P.N.
Comparative - legal analysis of noble forms of land property in Russia in XIX century
Ezzjeva M.N.
Self-defense a form of private property protection
Bulia N.A.
Definition of the land property right in Russian legislation of the 19th century
Ezzjeva M.N.
Cross-border aspects of administrative protection of intellectual property: a survey of Russian court practice
Agamagomedova S.A.
Modeli prava sobstvennosti v sovremennom prave SShA
Tyagai E.D.
Legal support for digitalization of art
Mikhaliova T.N.
The development of ideas about the limited property rights to land in Europe in the Middle Ages and Modern Times
Byshkov P.A.
The rights to other people's land in Roman law
Byshkov P.A.
The land servitudes in the law of continental Europe
Byshkov P.A.
Animals as objects of civil rights: current issues
Sinelnikova V.N., Khatuntsev O.A.
High-tech materials such as intellectual property in the field of intercountry innovative cooperation between Russia and the U.S.: the legal status of authors and investors
Inshakova A.O., Ryzhenkov A.Y.
The legal regime of matrimonial property used in the activities of commercial organizations, under the laws of Georgia
Ashlarba L.T.
Kirilova K.V.
The rights to other people's land in Roman law
Byshkov P.A.
Transfer of copyright for works in accordance with the copyright law of France at XVIII–XIX centuries
Semivolkova A.M.
Avdeev V.A., Avdeeva E.V.
The legal systems of modern times: mutual influences, convergence and antagonisms
Chirkin V.E.
The features of legal support, realization and protection of intellectual property rights in the field of sport
Kouznetsova A.M.
Subject of the French law on copyright of XVIII–XIX centuries
Semiwolkova A.M.
The Prospects of Legal Norms Harmonization in the Field of Proprietary Rights in BRICS Countries (on the Example of Brazil and China)
Badaeva N.V.
About the legal nature of hypothecary crisis in the USA
Ponka V.F.
Liability for apostasy in islamic criminal law
Manna A.A.
Constitutionally-legal regulating usage of mineral resources in Russian Federation, some countries of Europe and USA
Filatov V.К.
State corporation: subject with special legal status
Kirsanov A.N., Severyanova T.Y.
Features of administration of radio, tv and internet broadcasting of sport events
Kouznetsova A.M.
Legal nature of the principle of good faith in the context of the implementation of human rights state functions in civil law of the Russian Federation
Verdiyan G.V.
Related rights: conceptual approaches, definition and key features
Buzova N.V.
History of development of intellectual property law. First acts concerning questions of rights of the authors
Ponkin I.V.
The advocacy feature of the modern notariat
Kucherenko P.A.
Theoretical and legal basics of institute of private property in Russia: features of state rights proprietors
Muhtasarova T.R.
Acquisition of the right to the land plots by foreign investors in the Russian Federation
Didigova L.R.
Influence konveregentsii privat and public right to development civil and human rights functions state
Grudtsina L.Y.
Epistemological approaches to the research of public and private bases in relationships of land property
Niyazova A.N.
System-synergetic approach to studying the essence of state power
Zyrianov A.V.
Convergence of private and public law in the modern legislation of the Russian Federation
Ivanova S.A., Grebennikov V.V.
Questions of standardization of the rules of law regulating activity of enterprise corporations in the USA
Weizman J.E.
1 - 39 of 39 Items

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