No 1 (2015)
- Year: 2015
- Articles: 18
- URL:
Moscow city pedagogical university and its participation in development of the educational legislations
In article the main milestones of development of the educational legislation during the Post-Soviet period are described, the characteristic of some innovations of the last years is given, the most significant projects on the basis of which the legislative field of an education system is updated are noted. The part of projects concerns introduction at schools of Russia of electronic training.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2015;(1):5-9

The concept of integrated control system for organization and monitoring procedure of knowledge
In work the analysis of the developed system of the organization and carrying out a testing certification is given and the concept of development of the integrated control system of its organization and carrying out which includes the whole complex of the actions directed as on continuous improvement of system, and structural changes is considered.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2015;(1):10-15

Influence of ICT on formation of the civic stand of students in the conditions of globalization and informatization
In the modern world information space starts possessing substantsionalny qualities and to operate the person as the behavior of the subject depends on his knowledge. ICT are ideal means of the organization of communicative influence, including counterproductive, menacing to interests of national security. Only the subject with a creative and active civic stand which formation has to become the most important task of educational institutions can resist to negative information influence. In article the role of information technologies on formation of a civic stand of studens is discussed.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2015;(1):22-27

Modelling by means of ms excel in activity of a teacher of physical culture
In article it is considered questions of use of the tabular processor within studying of the subject “Information Modelling by Means of the MS Excel Program” included in the high school course “Information and Communication Technologies in Activity of the Teacher of Physical Culture”.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2015;(1):28-34

Electronic means of teaching as the basis of educational process at the modern higher school
The article begins with a description of the communication sphere of the information society and its importance in education. The author then describes the e-learning tools and identifies their types. The author then proceeds to the characterization of multimedia technology based on the use of e-learning. The author also draws attention to the distance learning technologies and concludes the feasibility of its development in the educational process of modern higher education.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2015;(1):35-41

Informatization of lecturer’s practical work
The article describes programs and technologies for informatization of lecturer’s practical work. A comprehensive technology of computer-based testing for assessment of students’ achievements in the credit-modular system of education is presented. The article describes a method of interactive learning, based on educational integrating projects. It presents examples of the contents of such projects for disciplines, connected with studying information and Internet technologies and their usage in management. It gives a description of the practicum consisting of a complex of laboratory works, an educational project, and a report. A considerable influence of the practicum on the organization of self-study is noticed. The article describes a method of using an electronic journal as a tool of the effective organization of practical work of the lecturer. A version of an electronic journal, worked out and actively used by the authors, is presented.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2015;(1):42-52

Comparative analysis of the contingent of students of the correspondence form of teaching
The article examines the contingent of students of classical distance learning and online learning are the same, which prepares specialists in MESI, identifies features and conclusions are formulated for the development of online learning.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2015;(1):53-62

Training students to inverse problems for differential equations as the factor of forming competence in the field of applied mathematics
In article the problem of training of specialists in the field of applied mathematics is discussed. The attention on the content of training of students of physical and mathematical specialties of higher educational institutions to the inverse problems for differential equations is paid. The statement of the inverse problem for system of the equations of Maxwell which entered the content of training, the scheme of its decision with the formulation of the corresponding final theorems is given. Conclusions about formation of competence of students in the field of applied mathematics in the course of such training are drawn.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2015;(1):63-72

Forming information competency of future teachers in the frame of professional pedagogical activities
In article results of the scientific research devoted to studying of a problem of training of future teachers in the conditions of education informatization are stated. Using a method of the analysis of theoretical sources, the author focuses attention to relevance of informatization of education, vocational training of future teachers of chemistry, formation of their information competence of professional activity.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2015;(1):73-79

Educational integrating projects in the credit system of education
This article describes a method of interactive learning based on the educational integrating projects. Examples of the contents of such projects for the disciplines connected with studying information and Internet technologies and their usage in management are presented. The offered projects meet requirements of educational standards of the new generation and spend a considerable part of lessons’ time, using methods and forms of an interactive learning. They enrich traditional types of studies, changing a role of the teacher and expanding borders of independent work of the student. A special method for grading educational achievements of the students who are carrying out such projects in the credit system of education is recommended.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2015;(1):80-84

Modern information and educational environment: terminological aspect, structure, features, functions and prospects
The author analyzes the interpretation of the basic concepts in the field of informatization of education, related to information and educational environment. The author attempts to systematize the terminological apparatus on the basis of the determination of levels of scale and information and educational environments and develops the understanding of the properties of the subject of educational environment.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2015;(1):85-99

Development of a model of data storage of innovative enterprise in a higher educational institution
In work design of logical and physical levels of model of storage of data of the small innovative enterprise of the IT profile functioning at a higher educational institution is executed. Work is performed with use of specialized CASE means of Computer Associates firm - ERWin Process Modeler and ERWin Data Modeler.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2015;(1):100-109

Working out a database information systems for institution of additional educations of children
The object of research is the activity of institutions of additional education of children in Moscow region. With use of tool CASE simulars and the analysis of business processes process models of their functioning are under construction. By means of tools for creation of models of data models and generation of schemes of databases models of a database of information system of establishment of additional education of children are developed.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2015;(1):110-118

Organizational matters of competition in electronic educational resources
The article examines the experience of the Udmurt State University in conducting competitions of educational publications and electronic resources. The purpose of such competitions is to provide methodological support to educational process. The main focus is on competition of electronic educational resources. The technology of such contests is discussed through detailed analysis of the main stages of the contest. It is noted that the main task of the preparatory stage of the competition is related to the development of regulations on competition and the definition of criteria for selection of the submitted works. The paper also proposes a system of evaluation criteria of electronic educational resources developed by members of the contest organizing committee and jury members. The article emphasizes the importance of not only the preparatory stages of the competition, but also measures for its completion, aimed at training teachers create quality e-learning resources.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2015;(1):119-125

Elements of distance learning in the course of chemistry for engineering faculty students of People's Friendship University of Russia
At the Department of General Chemistry RUDN a program control and consulting activities is developed.. This program is conducted with the use of Internet technology and is used for training students of evening and correspondence departments of the Faculty of Engineering of PFUR in the study course "Chemistry". Application of this technology can improve the quality of student learning. In article the received results are stated.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2015;(1):126-131

Networking of teachers as an individual professional development
Today the system of additional professional education (CVE) do not fully manages the timely realization of the process of introduction of new information technologies, modern organizational forms of education. In this situation, experts have their own conditions of use of network technologies to seek a variety of opportunities for self-education, self-training. Network technology is Web-based and space allow, when it is necessary to carry out the process of self-training. In article methodical aspects of network interaction as professional development forms are stated.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2015;(1):132-137

Our Authors
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2015;(1):138-140