Educational integrating projects in the credit system of education
- Authors: Kurinin IN1, Marfina VE1, Nardyuzhev VI1, Nardyuzhev IV1
- Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia
- Issue: No 1 (2015)
- Pages: 80-84
- Section: Articles
- URL:
- Retraction date: 18.10.2018
- Retraction reasons description:
The reason for publication retraction is the identification of incorrect co-authorship and unformed borrowings from the authors' own articles published in previous issues of the journal.
Kurinin I.N., Nardyuzhev V.I., Nardyuzhev I.V. Complex technology of computer testing // Bulletin of RUDN. Series: Informatization of education. 2013. № 2
Kurinin I.N., Nardyuzhev V.I., Nardyuzhev I.V. Educational integrating projects as a method of interactive learning. // Vestnik RUDN. Series: Informatization of education. 2013. №3.
Kurinin I.N., Nardyuzhev V.I., Nardyuzhev I.V. Electronic journal of student learning achievements // Bulletin of RUDN. Series: Informatization of education. 2013. №4.
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About the authors
I N Kurinin
Peoples’ Friendship University of RussiaChair of computer technologies
V E Marfina
Peoples’ Friendship University of RussiaChair of computer technologies
V I Nardyuzhev
Peoples’ Friendship University of RussiaChair of computer technologies
I V Nardyuzhev
Peoples’ Friendship University of RussiaChair of computer technologies