Working out a database information systems for institution of additional educations of children
- Authors: Shchegolev AB1, Fedin FO1, Chiskidov SV1, Pavlicheva EN1
- Moscow city pedagogical university
- Issue: No 1 (2015)
- Pages: 110-118
- Section: Articles
- URL:
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The object of research is the activity of institutions of additional education of children in Moscow region. With use of tool CASE simulars and the analysis of business processes process models of their functioning are under construction. By means of tools for creation of models of data models and generation of schemes of databases models of a database of information system of establishment of additional education of children are developed.
About the authors
A B Shchegolev
Moscow city pedagogical universityChair of applied informatics
F O Fedin
Moscow city pedagogical universityChair of applied informatics
S V Chiskidov
Moscow city pedagogical universityChair of applied informatics
E N Pavlicheva
Moscow city pedagogical university
Chair of applied informatics