No 3 (2014)
- Year: 2014
- Articles: 16
- URL:
On the problem of development of the integrated system managements of the formalized assessment of knowledge
In work the analysis of the system which have developed now of the organization and carrying out an assessment of knowledge is given. The concept and problem definition of development of the integrated control system of the formalized assessment of knowledge are formulated. The concept includes the whole complex of the actions directed as on continuous improvement of system, and its structural changes.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2014;(3):5-13

Some aspects of education informatization in Russia concerning training future teachers
Teaching to use means of ICT effectively and relevantly is involved into content of teachers education in RF. Teachers should recognize main positive and negative aspects of informatization of teaching, application of e-editions and resources. The authors believe that teaching and retraining of educational specialists should be united by content and methods into integrated complex focused on introducing essence and specificity of education informatization. Meanwhile «Informatization of education» is a title for separate expanded in content and profound in nature course as well as a name of systematizing factor for block of academic subjects. Theoretical bias for this matter is being developed. The first textbook “Informatization of education. Fundamental bias” is published in 2005.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2014;(3):14-18

Information technologies in carrying out monitoring comparisons of pedagogical higher education institutions
In article various approaches to use of information technologies when carrying out monitoring researches of higher educational institutions are described. Results of researches are considered on the example of indicators of pedagogical university.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2014;(3):19-23

Massive open online courses in foreign and Russian education system
The article discusses the phenomenon of MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses), which opened up new opportunities for the distance learning. Shows the advantages and disadvantages of the MOOC, the prospects of their use in the education system of Russia and in particular in the sector of teacher education. Research is executed within the State task Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, number of the state registration - 01201153724.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2014;(3):24-30

Screen digital devices as means of interactive work with the text
The article reveals the pedagogical potential of an interactive work on-screen digital devices. The essence of the text in terms of didactics. Focuses on the dialogic nature of the text. The conclusion is that modern information and communication devices allow the implementation of the principle of interactivity when working with text.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2014;(3):39-43

About the problems of teaching future teacher-trainers in the condition of informatization of education
In this article are considered actuality of informatization of professional education, about problems of readiness to use information and computer technology of professional activity of future teacher-trainers. Authors state that according to the accepted concept of the education, the offered technology of creation of models of activity of future teacher-trainers in most part has to be realized on the basis of information technology. Training of future teacher-trainers on the computer technologies, created on the basis of activity models of specialists, is applicable for model of training of specialists to natural-science specialties.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2014;(3):44-50

Mathematics lessons in “clever audience”
In article opportunities of «clever audience» in the organization of training in mathematics are discussed, various schemes of carrying out a lesson are considered, methodical aspects of training of the teacher to work are described.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2014;(3):51-58

Approaches to development and interactive application of educational module in higher school
In the paper, we present approaches to the development of interactive educational modules and electronic educational resources. Defined their basic principles of operation, characteristics, functional requirements and method development.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2014;(3):59-66

Use of information and computer models in the process of training future teachers of physics
In article methodical aspects of use of information and computer models in the course of training of future teachers of physics are analyzed. The attention is focused on expediency of development of new means of informatization of training of students of higher education institutions to physics.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2014;(3):67-73

Innovative teaching tools of automatic control and evaluation of trainees’s mathematical knowledge using fuzzy logic
This article focuses on the actual problem of designing information systems of automated control of mathematical knowledge of students using fuzzy logic, which take into account the shortcomings of modern systems of evaluation and control. These include a limited number of forms of response and two-point scoring system, inflexible procedures calculating the final assessment, the lack of consideration of estimating the depth and breadth of knowledge, adaptation of the estimation procedure to the individual characteristics of the students.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2014;(3):74-80

Forming ecological culture of students in teaching inverse problems for the differential equations
In article the attention to formation of ecological culture of students of physical and mathematical specialties of higher education institutions when training in the inverse problems for the differential equations is paid. Examples of educational tasks in the course of which decision students get skills of logical reasonings of ecological character are given.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2014;(3):81-89

Role of rational reasonings in formation at students of fundamental knowledge on applied mathematics
In article the attention to expediency of application of rational reasonings in the course of training of students of physical and mathematical specialties of higher educational institutions in applied mathematics is paid.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2014;(3):90-94

Media education and media enlightenment as attributes of information society
The article deals with the problem of the functioning of media-education and media-enlightenment in modern society. Focuses on the impact of this socio-cultural phenomenon on consciousness of members of the Information Society. Are the main characteristics of media-education and media-education and media-enlightenment. Concludes that media-education and media-enlightenment forms unscientific and anti-scientific thinking and style speech.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2014;(3):95-99

Test generator development for differential equations for lms moodle
This article discusses the basic mechanisms of the test generator for differential equations, developed by the authors. The generator is designed to generate a large number of test questions in accordance with user-defined rules, which include: the number of tasks required for each type of differential equation, and the tasks difficulty, controlled by the nesting level of recursive functions. The generator produces a test file format GIFT, which is a plain text file.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2014;(3):100-107

Our Authors
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2014;(3):108-111