Test generator development for differential equations for lms moodle

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This article discusses the basic mechanisms of the test generator for differential equations, developed by the authors. The generator is designed to generate a large number of test questions in accordance with user-defined rules, which include: the number of tasks required for each type of differential equation, and the tasks difficulty, controlled by the nesting level of recursive functions. The generator produces a test file format GIFT, which is a plain text file.

About the authors

A A Mukhanova

Moscow state machine-building university

Email: msan-ann@rambler.ru
Chair of the mathematical analysis

S A Mukhanov

Moscow state machine-building university

Email: s_a_mukhanov@mail.ru
Chair of the mathematical analysis

A I Nizhnikov

Moscow pedagogical state university

Email: nizhnikov.ai@mail.ru
Chair of mathematical physics


Copyright (c) 2014 Муханова А.А., Муханов С.А., Нижников А.И.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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