No 4 (2009)
- Year: 2009
- Articles: 16
- URL:
Ordering of approaches to information interaction of pedagogical university with graduates
In article possibilities of expansion of the information educational environment of pedagogical university at the expense of allocation in it separate components of interaction with teachers - graduates of pedagogical high school are described.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2009;(4):5-11

Net community and informational security in continual process of tuition of secondary schools and colleges
It this article is considered the increasing influence of net communities on participants of school continual process of tuition and as a result appearing menaces to Informational security for students are being examined and searched the ways of their removal.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2009;(4):20-27

Educational resources of a network the internet, directed on increase of a learning efficiency to computer science in a teacher training college
In article educational electronic resources of various types (an electronic course of lectures, a laboratory practical work, the electronic book of problems, the electronic textbook, educational resources for testing and an estimation of knowledge) which are capable to raise a learning efficiency to computer science in a teacher training college are described presented to networks the Internet.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2009;(4):28-31

Evaluating and improving the educational portal WIMP-interface effectiveness
This article discusses the features of the educational portal interface in education through a review of portal's model role, bringing the educational processes and the formation of user requests, provides a study of the interface effectiveness.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2009;(4):32-42

The features of orientation in e-learning course database (on the base of the author's course for foreign students «The russian newspaper to your morning coffee»)
The author investigates the e-learning resource in the aspect of its user's access to the Net information. The high level of its web-design is regarded in the paper both as a quality mark of this resource and a main reason of its public success. All principles of the information architecture's development - principles of optimization the site's search engine and principles of navigation - are illustrated with the e-learning Russian language course materials.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2009;(4):43-51

About some questions of using ICT at russian language lessons
Advantages of using computer programs over traditional teaching methods. Functional potentialities of electronic educational resources. special features of using informational communicative technologies at Russian language lessons in secondary school.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2009;(4):60-65

Conditions of development of professional competence by preparation of the teacher in the field of a technique of training to computer science
In article results of research of formation of professional competence of teachers of computer science in modern conditions of modernization of an education system are described. In the conditions of formation information, it is necessary to carry out preparation of the teacher possessing administrative competence, necessary quality first of all in the course of training of the theory and a technique of training to computer science.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2009;(4):73-78

The methods of forming data presentation skills in the course of informatics
The article touches upon the major role of forming data presentation skills. It is highlighted that, according to the principle of «double including» of basic components into the educational system, the issues of data presentation should be included into the education subject matter in two ways - as a separate independent section, and also as a «reach-through» line concerning the whole of the informatics course. The author describes the approach to the formation of the «reach-through» line «Data presentation» in the subject matter of the informatics course, founded on the basis of the idea «from informational processes to informational technologies». A methodology of arranging the educational practice in terms of developing the data presentation issues is presented.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2009;(4):79-88

Subject matter is related to realization of competent approachin ICT-satisfied educational medium of professional high school
In this article is presented the experience of work on forming ICT-competence of the professional high school graduates. The effect is obtained on the cost of creating ICT-satisfied educational medium and solving specially selected professional tasks in the context of future profession.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2009;(4):89-93

A model of structure content education based on the knowledge
Based on the analysis of teaching process as a system, we offer structuring model of contents of teaching, founded on hierarchy conception network o knowledge and built using methodology of formalized presentation of pedagogical knowledge.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2009;(4):94-101

Conceptual model of the scientifically-methodical device decisions is professional-focused economic problems
The conceptual model of the scientifically-methodical apparatus of the solution of the is professional-oriented economic problems as an element of system of informational-analytical preparation of students of economic high schools is observed.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2009;(4):107-117

Our Autors
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2009;(4):118-120