Ordering of approaches to information interaction of pedagogical university with graduates

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In article possibilities of expansion of the information educational environment of pedagogical university at the expense of allocation in it separate components of interaction with teachers - graduates of pedagogical high school are described.

About the authors

S L Atanasian

Moscow city pedagogical university

Email: atnsian@mgpu.ru
Moscow city pedagogical university

S G Grigoriev

Moscow city pedagogical university

Email: grigorsg@alledu.ru
Moscow city pedagogical university

V V Grinshkun

Moscow city pedagogical university

Email: v_grin@mail333.com
Moscow city pedagogical university

L A Kozlovskih

Moscow state university of technology and management

Email: AlexLK2007@yandex.ru
Moscow state university of technology and management


Copyright (c) 2009 Атанасян С.Л., Григорьев С.Г., Гриншкун В.В., Козловских Л.А.

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