Vol 15, No 4 (2018)
- Year: 2018
- Articles: 10
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/informatization-education/issue/view/1162
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2312-8631-2018-15-4
Full Issue
Organization of interaction between the teacher and students in the preparation for the creation and use of electronic educational materials
Problem and goal. In the article the approaches allowing to organize preparation of students in the field of development and use of electronic educational materials for support of scientific and methodical and organizational-management activity of workers of educational organizations are considered. The goal was to describe the recommendations on the organization of such interaction between the teacher and students on the example of using the information educational environment of the project “Moscow Electronic School” (MES). Methodology. The data bank includes reliable criteria and mechanisms for evaluating the quality of the educational electronic resources of the MES library, as well as techniques for mastering the script designer of the interactive lesson and the editor of diagnostic materials. Results. The purpose of creating and using electronic educational materials of the project MES to support the scientific, methodical and organizational and managerial activities of employees of educational organizations in the course of studying the discipline “Information and telecommunication technologies in education” is the mastery of skills of confident and effective work in the new system. As a result of the organization of such interaction between the teacher and the student, about 1000 educational electronic resources of the MES have been analyzed. Among them: scenarios of interactive lessons, tests, atomic content. Due to the fact that the scenario of lessons and diagnostic materials plays the leading role in filling the information educational environment of the MES, it was their analysis that was given the most attention. Conclusion. In the course of the implementation of the educational module “Informational educational environment of the MES” within the discipline “Information and telecommunication technologies in education”, didactic features of various educational electronic resources of the MES library were studied and analyzed.

The experiment with the use of information and communications technology and mobile devices as a tool of formation of research skills of students
At the present stage of development of education one of the priority of the teaching methods is the method islets. The authors developed a system of laboratory work in mathematics, which embodies the islets teaching method. The article describes one of the laboratory work “determination of the number e by measuring the parameters of the CEP line”, doing that, the students get specific skills in post and carrying out the experiment turn, the skills of document design research findings. The authors give theoretical justification and the results of the laboratory work fact the number e, obtained in the course of the experiment.

Web-quest technology usage in professional self-determination
The purpose of this work is to analyze the theoretical research of information technologies and experimental research among high school students and students in order to study the career orientation, the choice of priorities in the profession and the effectiveness of web-quests in career guidance. In the course of the work the following research methods were used: analysis special (scientific and methodical) literature, testing, questioning, interviewing, experiment, theoretical and practical analysis of pedagogical ideas. The professional information and practical web-quest “In the world of IT professions” was developed on the basis of the results of the conducted researches. The use of the proposed web-quest will allow young people to form an idea of the professional of IT field, the requirements imposed on a person in the profession; help to reveal approximately their personal and professional interests and tendencies, and also promote in formation of school pupils and students readiness independently and consciously to approach the solution of the professional development.

Task approach in teaching the section “Logic” school course of Informatics in the conditions of the use of mobile information systems
The article actualizes the problem of teaching the section of logic in the study of the discipline “Informatics” in the context of the need to improve the educational process. The author considers the solution of this problem from the point of view of development of multilevel mobile computer problem books allowing to optimize the learning process taking into account the requirements of intensification of educational and cognitive activity. The article highlights the levels of assimilation of logical knowledge, examples of tasks for each level, as well as a brief description of the essential content of the level of mastery of knowledge of logic.

Training object-oriented programming of bachelor applied informatics: implementation of the model of training based on two agreed disciplines
The article describes the model of teaching object-oriented programming for students of junior courses of IT specialties of higher educational institutions within the framework of two agreed disciplines, one of which is aimed at the formation of basic concepts of the object-oriented paradigm, and the second is aimed at mastering a specific object-oriented language. The peculiarities of the corresponding methodology are revealed, the choice of the visual training media Alice and Scratch is substantiated, the methodical aspects of realization of each of the two specified disciplines are described. The results of a pedagogical experiment conducted at the Crimean Engineering and Pedagogical University, which confirms the effectiveness of the proposed methodology for teaching bachelors of applied computer science, are presented.

Humanitarian knowledge in the learning content to the inverse problems for differential equations
Problem and goal. Currently, humanitarization is a trend in the development of many scientific and educational fields, among which, undoubtedly, is applied mathematics. The significant contribution of applied mathematics to the development of human civilization is obvious. At the same time, it is widely known that in some cases the practical implementation of applied research entails global environmental problems. There are irreversible negative processes in the environment. Such situations inevitably lead to a contradiction between the modern achievements of world science and its social and moral aspects. This problem is recognized not only by scientists. It is no coincidence that one of the directions of improvement of the Russian education system is the humanization of mathematical education, the concept of the content of which has been developed since the nineties of the last century. One of the aspects of humanitarization of mathematical education is ecological education of students. A certain contribution to the formation of environmental education of students of physical and mathematical specialties of universities makes teaching inverse problems for differential equations, the content of which is formed on the basis of the theory of inverse problems for differential equations. In this connection, in the process of teaching inverse problems for differential equations are realized such goals as: familiarity of students with the basics of humanitarian analysis of applied research, teaching students to formulate their own logical conclusions of applied and humanitarian character on the results of the study of the inverse problem for differential equations. Methodology. The achievement of the above mentioned didactic goals of teaching inverse problems for differential equations is largely provided by how successfully will be implemented in practice such didactic learning tasks as: 1. realization of humanitarian potential of teaching inverse problems for differential equations; 2. formation of students’ skills and abilities of independent analysis of applied and humanitarian nature of the results of the study of inverse problems for differential equations; 3. substantiation of the role of applied and computational mathematics in the development of human civilization. In addition, in the process of teaching students inverse problems for differential equations it is advisable to implement a system of humanitarian-oriented training sessions. This is due to the fact that in the process of such training students acquire fundamental knowledge not only in the field of mathematical methods of research of such applied problems. In the process of learning the inverse problems students are instilled features of humanization. Results. In the process of teaching inverse problems for differential equations, students acquire the ability and skills to analyze the solutions of inverse problems, to formulate logical conclusions about the ecological state of the air space, the earth’s environment or the aquatic environment, to apply numerical results of solutions to inverse problems in the humanitarian analysis of applied research. Conclusion. Fundamental knowledge in the field of inverse problems for differential equations, skills of using this knowledge in their professional activities, the possession of humanitarian culture, awareness of the humane relations of their applied activities with the environment and society contributes to the formation of students’ spirituality, the development of worldview and awareness of involvement in the civilized development of society.

Use of LMS Moodle in training foreign language at institutions of higher education (experience of Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University)
The author describes the advantages of working with the LMS Moodle system when teaching a foreign language at institutions of higher education, relying on her own experience in creating and introducing in the educational process of Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University electronic courses in the discipline “Foreign Language”. Broad information and communication technologies as well as pedagogical capabilities of the Moodle system are considered as a whole, and a certain methodology for working with the most promising tools of LMS Moodle system to create an electronic course “Foreign Language” is suggested and justified. The author demonstrates how a foreign language teacher can place teaching and controlling materials in an effective interactive form, introduce an unlimited number of additional materials, improve the quality of trainees’ self-control when dealing with educational material, and provide an objective control over the assimilation of educational material by students. The author comes to the conclusion about the expediency of using Moodle e-courses “Foreign Language” in the educational process of the university, along with the traditional form of teaching a foreign language.

Tables as protocol for mass tests input in the Latin and other languages teacher’s personal information system interface: integrated technology for Word, Excel, Quizlet, Gift and Moodle
Under investigation is the combined use of the LMS MOODLE and special language teaching tools like QUIZLET. The core is the task of unification of the mass tests format and their import into LMS. The initial form of test arrays are WORD lists or EXCEL spreadsheets. The table structure of the AIST interface is proposed. The automated process of arrays converting from WORD and EXCEL tables to GIFT files for import into the MOODLE and QUIZLET is described. Shown that the use of the tabular interface makes anyone possible to implement an effective technology of mass test import into various language LMS.

The use of m-learning technologies in higher education: problems and perspectives
The article draws attention to the fact that although the use of information technologies in education is widespread and actively discussed, the practice of using mobile digital devices in education is much less common and studied. It is noted that the widespread use of mobile digital devices has led to the active use of mobile applications by students for educational tasks. However, the institutional response to the new trend by educational institutions remains very limited and largely experimental. The article provides an overview and analysis of the modern practice of integration of mobile technologies in the educational process. It is revealed that mobile technologies can be successfully applied not only as an alternative way of access to educational resources, but also for reorganization and increase of flexibility of educational process, expansion of opportunities of interaction of students, teachers and administration, expansion of experience directly during classroom work.

Using corporate browser as a means of improving information security of educational organization
Problem and goal. Security of Internet access through the browser directly affects the overall information security of the educational organization. The article considers the use of the browser’s own assembly (corporate browser) as a means of improving the information security of the educational organization. The algorithm and the main steps for its creation are given. The author considers the technical features of creating a corporate browser, as well as the sequence of organizational actions for its implementation in the work of an educational organization. Special attention is paid to the security settings of the corporate browser. Methodology. To solve these problems, the article describes the method of creating your own corporate browser in general steps, understandable for novice system administrators. We use source code and tools to ensure browser portability, creating self-extracting archives. Special attention is paid to information security plugins. Results. The analysis of the information security tools used and the daily activities of the employees of the educational organization led to the conclusion that the use of a single corporate browser is an important step to ensure information security. To create and implement such a browser requires a clear implementation of administrative, organizational and technical actions. Conclusion. The use of a corporate browser in an educational organization plays an important role in improving the level of information security due to the simplicity and mass of its use.