Using corporate browser as a means of improving information security of educational organization


Problem and goal. Security of Internet access through the browser directly affects the overall information security of the educational organization. The article considers the use of the browser’s own assembly (corporate browser) as a means of improving the information security of the educational organization. The algorithm and the main steps for its creation are given. The author considers the technical features of creating a corporate browser, as well as the sequence of organizational actions for its implementation in the work of an educational organization. Special attention is paid to the security settings of the corporate browser. Methodology. To solve these problems, the article describes the method of creating your own corporate browser in general steps, understandable for novice system administrators. We use source code and tools to ensure browser portability, creating self-extracting archives. Special attention is paid to information security plugins. Results. The analysis of the information security tools used and the daily activities of the employees of the educational organization led to the conclusion that the use of a single corporate browser is an important step to ensure information security. To create and implement such a browser requires a clear implementation of administrative, organizational and technical actions. Conclusion. The use of a corporate browser in an educational organization plays an important role in improving the level of information security due to the simplicity and mass of its use.

About the authors

Alexey Andreevich Zaslavsky

Moscow City University

Author for correspondence.

candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor, associate professor of the directorate of educational programs of the Moscow city pedagogical university

4 2-j Sel’skohozyajstvennyj proezd, Moscow, 129226, Russian Federation


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