
Optimization of the structure of turbine blades produced by methods of additive technologies
Eroshenko V.O., Malkova M.Y., Zadiranov A.N., Meshcheryakov A.V., Ghorbani S.
Analysing the Feasibility of Adopting Gas Turbine Technology for Electric Power Generation in Iraq
Alaabidy W.H., Al-Rubaiawi M.S., Chertousov M.A., Frolov M.Y.
Line cascade of turbine profiles
Vinogradov L.V.
Profiling of a turbine radial cascade from arc of circles
Vinogradov L.V.
Overhaul time of gas turbine by temperature change
Antipov J.A., Shatalov I.K., Sobennikov E.V., Belova E.V.
Improvement of Tract Pumping Units Intake and Exhaust Gas Industry
Vlasov E.N., Mamaev V.K., Mendez E.A.
The equidistant of fraction rational parabola
Epifanov I.V., Vinogradov L.V.
Improvement of gas turbine performance at high temperatures of ambient air
Antipov J.A., Barsky I.A., Shatalov I.K., Terekhov D.V.
Innovative technology of underground compressed air energy storage
Vorobiev A.E., Malyukov V.P., Ivanova A.I.
Modeling an effective method to utilize secondary energy resources of a combined cycle gas turbine based on the CCGT-420T
Antipov Y.A., Shatalov I.K., Shkarin K.V., Barybina A.S., Ogneva Y.A., Morozov P.D.
Output and rotation frequency of single-shaft gas turbine
Antipov Y.A., Barsky I.A., Shatalov I.K.
Modeling the set of blade profiles of a gas turbine engine
Mamaev V.K., Vinogradov L.V., Oschepkov P.P.
Vinogradov L.V., Mamaev V.K., Oschepkov P.P.
A new integrated power plant with a small scale turbine for the Organic Rankine Cycle
Belozerov A., Kley M., Leschber Y., Rieger R., Shatalov I.K., Wiedmann M.
A calculating plan for turbine profiles with a fixed thickness
Vinogradov L.V.
Turbine blade profile of curves Bezier
Vinogradov L.V., Alekseev A.P., Kostjukov A.V.
About analytic profiling of turbine blades
Vinogradov L.V.
Centrifugal superchargers tonal noise at compressor stations and it reduce
Vlasov E.N., Mamaev V.K., Kovalev K.A.
1 - 18 of 18 Items

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