Vol 23, No 4 (2022)
- Year: 2022
- Articles: 9
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/engineering-researches/issue/view/1626
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2312-8143-2022-23-4
Full Issue
The concept of on-orbit-servicing for next generation space system development and its key technologies
Over the last years many companies and national agencies in different countries have been involved in development of various technical aspects of on-orbit-servicing (OOS). US and Russian OOS experiences are described. The problem of OOS in general is considered as a bit wider. It is shown that OOS relates to development of the next-generation space infrastructure and the solution of the problem of OOS, to a great extent, predetermines the characteristics of the next-generation space systems. Two equally important directions are stressed for OOS activities: first, making satellites serviceable, and the second, creating directly servicing systems. Implementation of each direction includes a wide range of developments. In the first case, we have to consider a capability of docking with the serviced satellite, a guaranteed access to the satellite components, block-modular structure of the serviced satellite, standardization of hardware and connectors, etc. Implementation of the second direction varies from the development of servicing methods and servicing systems to satellite orbits and constellation optimization. The existing and perspective key technologies for serviceable and servicing satellite are presented. It is shown, that the economic benefit of OOS must be justified by more thoroughly from an end-to-end perspective taking into account the features of the future space infrastructure. Servicing allows extending operational lifetime of satellites and thus reducing lifecycle cost, or moreover enable for entirely new systems and mission. These effects could be achieved not only through refuelling or repairing of the satellites, but also through satellite orbit correction. OOS creates a prospect of establishing a commercial servicing and debris removal network lending form the same technology base, which constitutes, however, separate technological problems, which are closely connected with OOS.

Coplanar multi-turn rendezvous in near-circular orbit using a low-thrust engine
The authors describe an algorithm that allows calculating the parameters of maneuvers performed on several turns by the low-thrust engine, which ensure the flight of the active spacecraft to the specified vicinity of the target space object. The movement takes place in the vicinity of a circular orbit. Linearized equations of motion are used in solving the problem. The influence of the non-centrality of the gravitational field and the atmosphere is not taken into account. The determination of maneuver parameters takes place in three stages. At the first and third stages, the parameters of the pulse transition and the transition performed by the low-thrust engine, are determined analytically. At the second stage, the distribution of maneuvering between turns, which provides a solution to the meeting problem, is carried out by iterating over one variable. This method of solving the problem provides simplicity and high reliability of determining the parameters of maneuvers, which allows it to be used on board the spacecraft. The paper investigates the dependence of the total characteristic speed of solving the meeting problem on the number of turns of the flight and the magnitude of the engine thrust.

Investigation of thermophysical characteristics of organic emulsion
For the selection of heating and refrigeration equipment, as well as the optimization of the components of the production line intended for the processing of meat semi-finished products, detailed information on the dependencies of the main characteristics of the products is required. Such characteristics include physico-mechanical, thermophysical, technological and many others. The authors present the methodological foundations of measurements, approaches to sample preparation and the results of an experimental study of the thermal conductivity and specific heat capacity of an organic emulsion. The analysis of methods and laboratory equipment for measurements taking into account the object of research was carried out. The peculiarity of the sample under study is the variable fractional composition, as well as the presence of a liquid phase in the form of water. This makes it impossible to use standard commercially available mandrels for samples. To study the characteristics of the organic emulsion, the method of stationary heat flow and the method of differential scanning calorimetry were chosen. As a result of the research, the nature of the measurement of specific heat capacity and thermal conductivity in the temperature range from -5 to 90 °C. The specific heat capacity of the sample varies from 2800 to 4410 J/(kg·K), while a phase transition of crystallization/melting of the water phase was observed. The approximation method was used to exclude it. The values of thermal conductivity vary from 0,28 to 0,49 W/(m·K).

Optimization of the structure of turbine blades produced by methods of additive technologies
This study is devoted to the analysis of methods for optimizing the process of manufacturing turbine blades using additive technologies, taking into account the factors of external and internal influence on the finished product, determining the parameters for manufacturing the part, as well as the technical and technological aspects of additive manufacturing of the part. The validity of this integrated approach lies in the complexity of production and the extreme nature of the operation of the part itself, which makes it impossible to accurately estimate the duration of the operation period. But the ability to additively manufacture turbine blades with precise final characteristics will allow the production of a high-quality part with a predictable operational process. In view of these requirements, the authors give recommendations on the criterial and algorithmic support of the process of optimizing the manufacture of a gas turbine engine blade. As a result of the research, it was concluded that the main criterion for optimizing the shape of a gas turbine engine blade is to maintain a constant distance between the corresponding boundary points of the blade sections. Therefore, it will be more efficient and expedient to optimize not the shape of the blade, but the composite from which it is made.

Physical and chemical properties of innovative and high-quality grades of gasoline
Studies of the physicochemical properties of traditional gasoline (G), innovative gasoline (IG) and high-quality gasoline (HQG) have been carried out. The purpose of this work was to analyze the physicochemical properties of innovative, high-quality grades of gasoline, to compare the performance of these fuels with those of conventional fuel that does not contain substances that improve the operational and environmental qualities. The research of the properties of gasolines was carried out using an automatic apparatus for distillation of petroleum products ARNS-1E, indicator (octanometer) OKTAN-IM, gas analyzer INFRACAR 5M3T, single-cylinder, 4-stroke, overhead valve engine (Biggs & Stratton). It has been established that the density of gasolines, the final boiling point, the residue in the flask and the acidity correspond to the GOST standards. A six-month storage period for fuel samples does not affect the parameters of the fuel, its physical and chemical stability. It is shown that substances that improve the properties of innovative and high-quality fuels do not affect the result of measuring the octane number of gasoline. It has been established that the chemical stability of improved grades of gasoline is higher than that of traditional fuel. It is shown that innovative and high-quality gasoline is superior to gasolines that do not contain combustion-improving substances in terms of combustion efficiency. A similar conclusion was made for nitrogen oxides, the content of which is associated with the presence in gasoline of components that increase the temperature of gases that occur in the combustion chamber of the power unit.

Interference of swirling flow with longitudinal stream
In the practice of designing and operating hydraulic and water management facilities, the issues of flow interference are of paramount importance, since they require close attention to the effect of various currents and jets on the coastal infrastructure of water bodies. A complex flow in the form of a submerged jet, which is formed by the interference of a circulating longitudinal (swirling) flow with a water body having a relative longitudinal flow velocity, was studied. The investigation was carried out using mathematical and physical modeling. To perform laboratory experiments, a test bench with a model for obtaining swirling flow and a longitudinal stream, which was formed in a hydraulic flume, was created. The numerical experiment was carried out using ANSYS (Fluent) software. The fields and velocity distributions of the resulting flow were obtained. The most favourable one in terms of hydrodynamic impact on the coastal infrastructure was chosen. The accuracy of numerical computation is evaluated by comparing with the results of the physical experiment.

Features of filling productive hydrocarbon deposits in the south of the East Siberian platform
The relevance of the research lies in the need to replenish the resource base of hydrocarbons in Russia through the development of deposits in the southern part of the East Siberian. Productive horizons in the area are characterized by increased non-uniformity, which is largely due to post-sedimentation processes. The aim of the work is to study the results of the development of halitization processes (epigenetic filling of the void space of rocks with halite). The material for the study was the data of lithological and petrophysical studies of the core, on the basis of which a statistical analysis of saline rocks was performed and the relations between reservoir properties and halite content in the paleovoids for productive horizons were constructed. Filling the void space with secondary halite has not only a negative impact on the reservoir properties of rocks, but also negatively affects the process of developing deposits. Injection of fresh water into the reservoir will cause the beginning of dissolution of salt crystals, the development of which is accompanied by the release of a large amount of heat, which in turn will entail intensive deposition of calcite crystals in the void space, since carbonate waters are widespread in the formation. As a result, the reservoir properties of productive rocks will deteriorate up to the isolation of a number of oil and gas-saturated bodies from the main drainage system of productive horizons, which will negatively affect the oil recovery coefficient and, consequently, the efficiency of the development of hydrocarbon deposits.

The study of volcanic-sedimentary rocks of the Dzykhra sequence within the Abkhazian zone of the Gagra-Java uplift, Northwestern Caucasus
The authors discuss the results of studying the composition of the volcanogenic-sedimentary rocks of the Dzykhra sequence, which come to the surface in the upper reaches of the river Bolshaya Khosta (Khostinsky district, Krasnodar territory). In the rocks of the Cretaceous age of the Akhun series, composed of limestones of the Dzykhra sequence and the Kazachy Brod suite, an outcrop of clastic rocks was found. The structure and mineral composition of the rock sample, as well as its chemical composition according to X-ray fluorescence analysis, were studied in detail. In the sequence, two layers are distinguished: the lower (3 m) cream-brown and the upper (0.05 m) green. Macroscopically, it is a lenticular-layered, fine-grained, lithocrystal-clastic, polymictic sandstone with carbonate cement. The sequence is underlain by interbedded dark gray limestones and black siltstones of the Lower Cretaceous Agur Formation, and overlain by cream limestones with interlayers of brown cherts of the Upper Cretaceous Kazachy Brod Formation. The data of microscopic studies, as well as X-ray fluorescence analysis, made it possible to establish the following minerals in the composition of sandstones: quartz, potassium-feldspar and plagioclase, less often amphibole, as well as a large amount of carbonate matter, and to conclude that in composition they correspond to tuffs of medium composition (andesite-dacite).

A regional and local geophysical study of the western overthrust belt in North-Western Huanuco, North Peru
The complicated tectonic history of Northern Huanuco poses great difficulties for geophysical studies in the area. A terrain-corrected, regional Bouguer gravity map of the area has been produced which reflects this complexity. This map is dominated by a northwest grade, which is apparently the result of a Paleozoic tectonic boundary. This boundary seems to have at least locally exerted control on younger features leading to considerable superposition of structures in the area. The Andean chain straddles the western coast of the South American continent, parallel to a subduction zone where the Nazca plate descends beneath the South American continental plate. The area of our research was located in the northern part of the Huanuco province. Four sites were surveyed. The gravity values were calculated dataset and Bouguer corrections were applied. Finally, a Bouguer anomaly map of Peru and Bouguer anomaly maps of sites was produced based on these data.