No 4 (2011)
- Year: 2011
- Articles: 14
- URL:

Visualization of Formation Kuns's Surface
Formation of surfaces on the method of Кuns finds a wideuse at creation of new forms in architecture, shipbuilding, motor industry. Possibility of visualization of process of formation Kuns surfaces is examined by creation of mini-film, which can be demonstrated to the students during a lecture.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2011;(4):13-18

Water intake structure and public water system operation technological features
The analysis of fish protecting existing methods applicability has been carried out. And during the water intake structure and public water system exploitation. filtering water intake has been favored over other water intake methods.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2011;(4):19-28

Increase of building and mine technics vibration stability
On an example of the boring rig the technique of search of algorithm of control by active dampers power bodies from a condition of the basic units of a machine design vibrations level limitation is considered. Technique is applicable to road-building, construction site and mine machines having similar dynamic structures.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2011;(4):29-34

Using of Gas Analysis by Way of Temperature Control in Drilling
The paper proposes a new contactless method of determining temperature when drilling on the basis of gas analysis. Established that the cutting temperature and the concentration formed in the cutting of gas associated linear dependence. The paper proposes advantages of the method. According to experimental data obtained by the mathematical expression to calculate the cutting temperature, depending on the concentration of gas.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2011;(4):35-40

Improvement of Tract Pumping Units Intake and Exhaust Gas Industry
In clause (article) the basic directions of perfection of soaking up and exhaust pathes gas pumping over units at compressor stations are considered. Results of experimental researches are analyzed; the appropriate conclusions and recommendations are given.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2011;(4):41-51

Motor Transport Bio-energetic
Here is analyzed the problem of motor transportation complex maintenance with energy carriers. Ekologo-economic feasibility of vehicles power installations transfer on a fuel which can be received from a biomass is proved. Results of the spent experimental research confirm possibility of use as partial or full diesel fuel substitutes of vegetable oil and the biofuel which is received on the basis of rape chemical processing.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2011;(4):52-59

Integration of Control Technologies in the High Accuracy and Relyability Intelligent Systems
Main problems, associated with the design of intelligent systems for information processing and control, which are operating at the conditions of uncertainties are considered. Main sources of uncertainties are analyzed, the classification of uncertainties is proposed and considered. Furthermore, some approaches, based on using of modern integrated technologies for information processing and control, to solve problems of the design of complex control systems, which are operating at the conditions of uncertainties, are also considered and discussed.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2011;(4):60-67

Problems of Transboundary Territories in Altai-Sayansk Region
In Altai-Sayansk region transboundary territories of an interstate rank are allocated along borders of Mongolia with Russia and China (three territories) and on border of Russia and Kazakhstan (one territory). Factors of formation are defined and allocation principles of such territories are formulated. The allocated territories are short characterized and ranged on the importance of their transboundaries properties.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2011;(4):68-74

Study and Evaluate the Impact of a Coal Mine on the Environment
The paper deals with the causes of the ecological crisis on the ground as a result of industrial development around the world.
The coal industry will inevitably have a negative effect on the environment, polluting and disrupting it.
To solve this problem have been identified promising clean technology, environmental services and equipment.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2011;(4):75-79

Post-Socialist Countries Labor Market
Labor market reflects the economic situation in every country and especially its bottle-necks. Before 90th of the previous century the existing socialist countries didn't face social problems such as unemployment, enterprise bankruptcy, etc., which were part and parcel of the opposite social system. Having made their choice towards market economy these former socials countries found themselves in the same social and economic situation the way out of which also might be similar. In order to adjust labor market s they should start with modeling and forecasting of the unemployment level.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2011;(4):80-86

Our autHors
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2011;(4):87-89

Trebovaniya k oformleniyu rukopisey stateydlya zhurnala «VESTNIK RUDN.seriya „Inzhenernye issledovaniya»
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2011;(4):90-91