No 1 (2014)
- Year: 2014
- Articles: 22
- URL:
Shakedown analysis of the truss and comparing with the fundamental theoroms of alastic-plastic analysis implemented in a home-pakege and ANSYS
Research results in shakedown analysis of space steel structures are presented in this paper. The theory of shakedown and conventional methods of analysis are discussed, and the example of a shakedown of a truss-column is provided to illustrate the concepts of the nonlinear analysis and shakedown for space trusses [1; 4].
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2014;(1):5-15

Vibrational investigation on toolholders of cutting tools in finish turning
This paper investigates the effect of cutting tool construction, cutting conditions and overhang on the frequency during machining. The standard cutting tool and cutting tool with horizontal holes arranged in a chess-board pattern, made of hardened steel AISI 5140, were used. Three different workpieces made of aluminum, steel and cast iron were used. The experiments were carried out, based on single-factor experiment, on the lathe model 16K20VF1 (Russia). Results of experiments showed that the most significant parameter influencing the vibration is overhang variation. Besides, the optimum cutting conditions for the machined materials were found at different levels.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2014;(1):16-22

Localization of a neutron flux increase source in the nuclear reactor using the signal of the under-core detectors by solving a system of non-linear equations
The algorithm of localization of an irregular neutron flux source in the core of the nuclear reactor is suggested. The algorithm allows determining the position of the neutron flux source using the signals of the three or more nearest to the source detectors. The detectors are fission chambers distributed under the bottom of the core. The problem is solved in the two dimensional approximation. The algorithm is based on the experimentally obtained functional connection between the camera signal and the distance to the source of the flux increase. A system of equations in three unknowns is formed of the three equations describing cameras signals. The system is solved by numerical computations. The algorithm was implemented in the program in the C++ language. The results obtained during the experiments carried out on the reactor in the years 2007-2008 when local increases of the reactivity were generated were used as the input data for measuring the accuracy of the algorithm.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2014;(1):29-36

The modeling of the thermohydrodynamic regime of Ivankovskoye reservoir
Numerical three-dimensional modeling of Ivankovskoye reservoir allows to estimate the influence of thermal inflow of the electric power station Konakovskaya. The model have been used for studying a thermic structure of the reservoir upon extremely hot meteorological conditions.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2014;(1):40-47

Research of the efficiency of software implementations of the algorithms of kinematics of the manipulator
Software implementations of mathematical simulation of direct task of kinematics, reverse task of kinematics and positioning capture of the robot allowed to conduct the study of convergence and accurate solution of inverse problem, selecting the initial values and the range of angles in the iteration and receive accuracy of iterations and reduce the angle, refine the algorithms. To better reflect the real position that is to capture the transformation matrix Т 6, the solution of the inverse task of kinematics is specified by a decision of the task of positioning.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2014;(1):48-55

Incremental elastic-plastic analysis of a continuous steel beam with shakedown
An algorithm of the incremental elastic-plastic analysis of a continuous steel beam is presented in this paper. An elastic limit state has been determined, and formation of plastic hinges and collapse mechanism has been investigated. The effect of the shakedown is introduced and the maximum shakedown load is determined.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2014;(1):56-67

Intellectualization mathematical model of dynamic braking of frequency-menagementic electric mechatronic systems
Method development of intelligent systems used when implementing the digital motor control in the mode electrodynamic braking subsystem control the speed of the fan that cools the induction motor mechatronic system. Modeling working capacity of a fuzzy controller performed in MatLab and Simulink. The results confirming the possibility to operate of variable frequency drive without overheating the windings.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2014;(1):68-74

Turbidity currents of modern methods and its correlation with the concentration of suspended particles per unit volume of the example reservoir Des (Iran)
The problems of turbidity flow with suspended solids analyzer using photometric principle determining the light absorption and scattering in the layer of the analyte, provided that the light source and the detector is located on the same axis or at an angle 90° (nephelometer). However, to determine the rate of siltation of reservoirs, we need to know the weight of suspended particles per unit volume (concentration). Based on research conducted at the reservoir Des obtained correlations between measurements obtained with the nephelometer and the concentration of suspended solids (TSS).
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2014;(1):75-82

Geological and mineralogical features of formation of heaps and examining the causes their ignition
The paper presents results of the study of coal waste heaps, are stratigraphic of the Kyzylkiyskia deposit justified peculiarities of waste heaps, investigated coals, which are material for the formation of waste heaps, waste heaps described occurring in the processes that lead to self-ignition and combustion of waste heaps.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2014;(1):83-86

Reflection of sea level fluctuations in the Triassic Section of South-Eastern Pamirs
Considered the structure of carbonate-silica of Triassic transition sections and intermediate zones of the South-Eastern Pamirs and had been proposed their sequence-stratigraphic interpretation. Revealed levels of eustatic fall of sea level during the Triassic period.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2014;(1):87-92

Microscopic study of “siliceous rocks” of Sarbay formation in Mednogorsky ore district (South Ural)
The article shows the results of microscopic study of siliceous rocks Early Silurian Sarbay formation of the Southern Urals. Siliceous rocks Early Silurian Sarbay formation of the Southern Urals have a voulcanische genesis. This rocks is a phlus in coopers metallurgy.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2014;(1):93-96

World gas industry in the XXIst century
The natural gas consumption is of more higher rate increase all over the world, than consumption of petroleum. This is connected with its greater ecological purity and lower cost. Nowadays all types of natural gases are widely used both as a fuel for auto-motor transport and in many branches of industry.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2014;(1):97-102

Effect of polarity and additive compound in reduction of oil viscosity
In order heavy oils to be transported via pipeline from the source, the viscosity must be lower than 150 centistokes at 100 °F. The crude oils being very viscous on extraction have to go through some processing, therefor this paper investigate the effect of polarity and effect of additive to detect the influence of this material on reduction of heavy oil viscosity.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2014;(1):103-107

Innovative technology of underground compressed air energy storage
The article analyzes the innovative use of underground reservoirs created by the dissolution of rock salt through the drill holes for compressed air energy storage on gas turbine power plants while reducing energy consumption.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2014;(1):117-121

Mineral composition of ores and mineral structure of Aynak copper deposit (Afghanistan)
The article studies the chemical deposits (mineralogy) and structure of the ores of Aynak ore deposits. This article have a results of macroscoping and microscoping reaserche after drilling of china company (MCC, 2010) and drilling of Russian geologist (1978).
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2014;(1):122-130

The mathematical formulation of the determination concrete’s temperature problem during heat treatment in heliokamera as the “hot box”
The mathematical description of thermophysical processes of formation concrete’s temperature field during heat treatment with using solar energy is given. Single-valuedness conditions for differential equation solution thermal conduction are formulated. Heat treatment is realized in heliokamera working according to the «hot box» principle. The scheme, constructional peculiarities and technological preferences of heliotechnical devices as the «hot box» are given.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2014;(1):131-135

The little deflections of the previously intense ideal plastic beams with the regional moments
In the work up the technique of the decision of problems about the little deflections of beams from ideal hard-plastic material, with various kinds of fastening, for want of action of the asymmetrically distributed loads with allowance for of preliminary stretching-compression is developed. The developed technique is applied for research of the strained-deformed condition of beams, and also for calculation of a deflection of beams with allowance for of geometrical nonlinearity.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2014;(1):136-141

The large deflections of the previously intense ideal plastic beams with the regional moments
In the work up the technique of the decision of problems about the large deflections of beams from ideal hard-plastic material, with various kinds of fastening, for want of action of the asymmetrically distributed loads with allowance for of preliminary stretching-compression is developed. The developed technique is applied for research of the strained-deformed condition of beams, and also for calculation of a deflection of beams with allowance for of geometrical nonlinearity.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2014;(1):142-150

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RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2014;(1):151-153