No 2 (2009)
- Year: 2009
- Articles: 22
- URL:

Research correlation of vibrations at cutting with quality of received surface
The article is devoted to research of vibration mechanism that has influence in cutting process. This publication is dedicated to ultrasonic machining as means of amplitude regulation of cutting tool autooscillations by means of relaxation with high frequency of potential energy, being accumulated in elastic system while cutting chip. Some examples of oscillation were given by mechanical working of different materials.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2009;(2):16-23

Research of the is intense-deformed condition in a design of knot of fastening of a cutting plate using method of photo elasticity
On poljarizatsionno-optical models the is intense-deformed condition of knot of fastening of a cutting plate is studied. Fields of pressure depending on a material and geometry of the basic plate, arising are modelled at cutting in the field of contact of a cutting plate to a basic and basic plate with the cutter case.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2009;(2):33-41

Recent Advances in Friction Stir Welding Process
Friction stir welding is a refreshing approach to the joining of metals. Although originally intended for aluminum alloys, reach of FSW has now extended to a variety of materials including steels and Polymers. This review deals with the fundamental understanding of the process.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2009;(2):48-51

The effect of the strength of tool clamping in the chuck on the process of glass ceramics drilling
The results of the investigations of glass ceramics diamond drilling are given in the paper. The diagrams of radial drill deflection for a chuck drill with a different number of clamping elements are plotted. The dependence of radial strength of the chuck-drill system on the number of clamping elements in the chuck is shown.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2009;(2):52-58

Design of a head of small-sized diesel engine with in view of thermal stress level condition
On an example of designing a head of small-sized diesel engine MD-8 the technique and results of the analysis of a thermal condition of a design with use of toolkit Solid Works and COSMOS Works are resulted.
It is shown, that existing in Autodesk Inventor the concept of the organization and construction of assembly units is most convenient in internal-combustion engine design in view of great volume of changing analyzed parameters.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2009;(2):80-86

Research brake stands for testing small sized ice
The urgency of a problem of creation of research stands for testing small sized IСE is defined by a wide circulation of engines of such type for mechanization of the manual skills, intended for use in structure of mobile vehicles and means of mechanization of auxiliary operations. During too time carrying out of tests of such type of engines at typical brake stands with the maximal rated power tested ICE 50-100 kW unfairly neither from the economic point of view, nor from the point of view of maintenance of comprehensible metrological characteristics. In article the basic approaches to create of the small sized stand basis of serially let out devices and known technological decisions are considered.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2009;(2):92-98

The analysis of dependences for the estimation of centrifugal blad's machines noise
The analysis of dependences of an estimation of a level of the sound power, offered by various authors, with reference to two inlet radial fans and to one-stage radial compressors with blade's diffuser is given. The new formula for an estimation of a level of the sound power, taking into account, as aerodynamic characteristics, so geometrical parameters of radial machines is offered.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2009;(2):106-113

Problem questions of development of manufacture and consumption of biofuels in Russia
Three basic problems facing to mankind in the 21st century are designated in the article: power engineering, foodstuffs and ecology. Limited nature of fossil energy sources, in particular for use as motor fuels for internal combustion engines, promotes expansion of different works in many countries on search, manufacture and application of alternative sources of energy, received from vegetative raw materials. The authors consider the situation concerning this problem in the Russian Federation, and offer actions for technologies delay liquidation efforts in bioenergetics area.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2009;(2):114-118

The information about study-scientific laboratory «energy-saving up technologies»
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2009;(2):128-129

Review to the monograph V.A. Rogov «Nanotechnologies in mechanical engineering»
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2009;(2):130-131