
Development of Russian lubricants market under sanction pressure
Chernyaev M.V., Kudryashov A.M.
Chinese automotive market: Сurrent state and prospects
Kiryukhina S.E., Mikheshkina E.E.
Defining trends in the evolution of the Russian gas market
Allayarova N.I., Ketsba B.I.
Economic efficiency of gas industry investment projects in Russia on the example of export gas pipelines
Chernyaev M.V., Boiko A.A.
Impact of changes in economic pressures on the activities of foreign oil and gas companies in Venezuela
Chadaeva E.A., Ojeda Kalluni E.
Developing index of priority cooperation of Russian Federation in space industry with developing industries of Asia, Africa and Latin America
Dyuzheva N.V., Balashova S.A.
Assessment of risks for the gas industry in Russia in the context of the formation of a common gas market of the Eurasian Economic Union
Tkachenko M.F., Allaiarova N.I.
Comparative research of innovation investment efficiency by example of electric energy companies of the GAZPROM group
Nazarova Y.A., Kosterin S.G., Kosterin A.G., Dolgushin V.D.
Pharmaceutical industry in Russia: problems and prospects of development
Nezhnikova E.V., Maksimchuk M.V.
Specific problems of public procurement in health care (the case ofe pharmaceutical industry and market medical equipment)
Shakhovskaya L.S., Peskova O.S.
Development of clusters in the spacerocket industry as the instrument of forming of the innovation economy
Nezhnikova E.V., Glyuzitskiy K.K.
Business Expansion of Metallurgical Companies by IP
Belousov O.A.
Dioujeva N.V., Balashova S.A.
Choice, transfer and influence of technologies on branch structure of the China industry
Seletskis A.Y.
Ways of Increasing the Competitive Ability of Russian Goods on the Russian Market (with reference to beer market)
Sidenko I.A.
Developing index of priority cooperation of Russian Federation in space industry with developing industries of Asia, Africa and Latin America
Dyuzheva N.V., Balashova S.A.
Prospects of cooperation of the state-owned electric power industry of Russia for realization of innovative programs
Aleksandrov V.N.
1 - 17 of 17 Items

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