No 3 (2009)
- Year: 2009
- Articles: 15
- URL:
Conception of economic participants' interaction effective mechanism
The article is devoted to the theoretical model of economic participants' (state, business and nonprofit organizations) interaction effective mechanism. Preconditions, reasons and principles of effective mechanism forming, its strategic targets are formulated. Participants and their interaction modes are described. Mechanism component elements - institutional, economic, financial, organizational and psychological are considered. Methods of estimation are determined and significance mechanism is substantiated.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2009;(3):5-11

Increase of the Effectiveness of Economic-theoretical Research and Modern View on the Method of Economic Theory
This article deals with shortcomings of economic-theoretical research, their causes and ways of elimination. The author of this article considers, that radical increase of the effectiveness of economic-theoretical research is possible only on the way of use in macroeconomics of the concrete deduction method and broad use in the economic theory of the finished research results, made by other economic sciences. The article deals with obstacles on the may of such organization of economic-theoretical research, lying on the side of present view of the method of economic theory (lack of idea of concrete deduction method, inadequate treatment of deduction, lack of assessment of the effectiveness of abstract method and econometric methods in macroeconomics and etc.).
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2009;(3):12-18

Significance of Service Sector in the Modern Economy
The article deals with great significance of non-manufacturing business in the modern world. The examination of shares of non-manufacturing business in the structure of Gross domestic product of western developed countries and Russia makes clear the considerable difference: in the western developed countries the innovative (science intensive) - business and quality of human capital forming fields predominate, whereas in Russia - trade and transport service. The article displays the negative tendency of development of business service and state service. The absolute necessity of preferred development of science-intensive service for successful functioning of Russian products in the World Market is proved.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2009;(3):19-26

Opportunities and Directions of Persian Gulf's Countries in the Global Processes of Capital Migration
The article is devoted to the present socio-economic situation in the Persian gulf's countries, whose position in global economy, and particularly in the processing of international capital migration, became more improved. The positive macro-economical dynamic regards like the background of their more active and fundamental participation in the process of global capital migration. determinate the role of capital migration in/out of the Persian gulf's countries. Capital import and export is one of the most important forms Persian gulf's countries international economic relations, especially in the period of global economic crisis.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2009;(3):27-36

Sectoral Structure of South Asian Countries' Economy
In article the structure of national economies of the countries of Southern Asia as a possible basis for development and deepening of regional economic integration is analyzed. Overcoming of negative tendencies in social and economic sphere, including developing now as a result of deepening of global financial crisis, is possible through normalisation of structure of a social production that, in turn, demands collective efforts within the limits of SAARC. For overcoming of centrifugal tendencies within the limits of the block, the decision of problems of creation of a zone of free trade in Southern Asia formation of progressive branch structure acts as one of the primary goals of all countries of association.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2009;(3):37-44

The Basic Directions of Economic Decisions of Social Problems in the East African Countries (Burundi, Uganda, Rwanda)
Now Rwanda, Burundi and Uganda as a whole, form the considerable potential consumer market. Its activization depends on the desire from outside political leaders to integrate the general consumer market (through economic integration) and to realize the adequate economic policy in each country by promoting to raise real incomes of peasants. It is possible to assert unequivocally that a prime problem of these countries at the present stage is social, which means fight against poverty of mass ordinary people.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2009;(3):45-50

Problems and Prospective for Ethiopia's Joining WTO
The article is devoted to the analysis of problems and prospective of Ethiopia's joining WTO. The advantages and disadvantages of the process, its costs and benefits are considered. The author takes into account that the country is in the stage of infant industrialization of its economic development. One of the paper's conclusions is that the industrialization of their economy is of vital necessity for least developed countries, which should be taken into account in their aspiration to become WTO members. The general conclusion is that WTO membership of least developed countries including Ethiopia may have a negative consequence in the short and medium term and positive consequence in the long-term development.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2009;(3):51-58

State-private Partnership in Development of Regional Air Transportation Services
The article is about state-private partnership in Russian Federation and the possibility of its implementation in the development of air transportation in Russia. The article concerns the idea of state-private partnership and are given its main characteristics and forms. Thereafter carried out common analysis of the status of air transportation industry in Siberia Federal region and determined the main current problems in this field. In the final part of the article considered measures, which are necessary to be admitted by the state bodies in order to develop airport infrastructure and also the possibility of application in this field the facilities of state-private partnership.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2009;(3):59-65

Regional Distinctions of Joint Ventures' Development in Russia
This article is dedicated to the special development's aspect of modern foreign economic relations` forms of Russia with foreign countries and joint ventures. In this article are considered the regional distinctions of organization's formation which have been founded with the participation of the foreign capital from 1998 to 2007 when after the crisis of 1998 started cardinal changes in the country's economy. In this article have been revealed the main Russia's countries-companions in joint venture, its branch-wise and regional preferences, the number changes of such organizations and the spatial displacement.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2009;(3):66-75

The Impact of Internationalization of Innovation Process on National Innovation System in Russia
The aim of this article is to analyze current trends in internationalization of innovation activities in the world economy, role of international companies in this process and how this can influence on national innovation system (NIS) of Russia. We present theoretical model of NIS basing on research of foreign and Russian economists and make assessment of this system in Russia. We define possible stages in involvement of Russia into global innovation system and possible outcomes of this process for Russian NIS.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2009;(3):76-84

Theoretical Approaches to the Forming of Effective Municipal Agro-food Complexes
The article deals with problems of analysis of agro-food complexes, notably cause-effect relations in this sector of national economy. Conditions of low effectiveness are determined as well as approaches to activation of innovative processes are formulated. It was offered the structure of effective municipal agro-food complex as a base model for prospective development.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2009;(3):85-91

Research of Teens as Consumers: the Basic Stages
This article is devoted to definition and the brief description of the basic directions of researches in the field of teenage consumer behavior from middle of the last century. Besides the substantiation of interest to behavior of teenagers - consumers for participants of the Russian market is given. Teens represent a special segment of market by virtue of distinction in microfactors with other age groups. On the basis of the investigated materials and the spent content-analysis of magazine «Journal of Consumer research» author's vision of the basic stages of development of researches in analyzed area is represented to attention of the reader.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2009;(3):92-100

Ways of Increasing the Competitive Ability of Russian Goods on the Russian Market (with reference to beer market)
The article deals with the problem of competitiveness with reference to one of the most dynamic, fast-growing commodity market - the Russian market of brewing products. In spite of good development potential, the market has weak enforcement of effective forms and methods of management, it faces economic and administrative barriers on the way of entering new markets, suffers from acquisitions by western competitors. Noted circumstances have determined the choice of the theme and the search of ways to increase of competitive advantages of the domestic enterprises of brewing branch.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2009;(3):101-107

Our Authors
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2009;(3):108-109

For the Authors of vestnik PFUR, series Economics
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2009;(3):110-111