No 1 (2013)
- Year: 2013
- Articles: 16
- URL:
English social imperialism (theoretical views of champions of imperialism at the end of the XIXth — the beginning of the XXth centuries)
This publication analyses the theories of imperialism in social and political thought of Great Britain of those authors who regard imperialism not only as a necessity but also as a positive process in external policy which provides political and economic advantages for the country in the world economy. Classification of different directions in the evolution of theories of imperialism in Great Britain on the verge of the XIXth—XXth centuries is given.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2013;(1):5-14

Developing index of priority cooperation of Russian Federation in space industry with developing industries of Asia, Africa and Latin America
The article is devoted to the construction and practical approbation of the ranking methodology of developing countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America on the basis of priority for the Russian Federation to the cooperation development in the space field. This paper is the second part of the article and reflects the results of the calculations based on statistics and on the examination of information about the considered countries. As a result of quantitative and qualitative analysis eight groups of basic indicators have been selected. These indicators have the influence on the rate of development of space industry in emerging countries and their involvement into cooperation with The Russian Federation. Using the principal component analysis eight sub-indexes and the integral index have been constructed. It is shown that China has the highest priority, and then follows India and Brazil. Five key for the cooperation development in space field countries from Asia, Africa and Latin America have been indicated based on the constructed integral index.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2013;(1):15-30

Prospects of cooperation of the state-owned electric power industry of Russia for realization of innovative programs
The article is devoted to the purpose of the innovative programs of 2 monopolies of power industry-FGC UES and JSC «so UES». Sets the framework of scientific-technical cooperation and external organizations with which interact with the named companies. Are the documents initiating the creation of technological platforms and the degree of participation of the companies in them. Determined that both companies are involved in the technological platform of «Intelligent energy system of Russia». In conclusion, identified the main enterprise, which will be implemented most of the R & d of the companies and provides a list of the main problems and threats facing the industry in connection with the fulfilment of the feast.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2013;(1):31-38

Dynamics and special features of Russian-Ukrainian integration investment cooperation
The authors analyze main factors influencing the choice of Russian — Ukrainian economic integration direction and prove the necessity of closer Russian — Ukrainian investment cooperation in a modern changing geoeconomic space. Specific causes of Russian -Ukrainian capital flows are characterized. The trends of mutual investment relations were brought to light. The economic sectors with most investments were emphasized. The authors trace future development of Russian — Ukrainian economic and investment relations in the system of the world integration processes.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2013;(1):39-50

Latin America and Russia: evolution of mutual foreign interests
The article analyses the dynamics of the indicators that define current bilateral economic relations, it examines in details structural and regional shifts in bilateral trade between Latin America and Russia. The analysis revealed the major problems of foreign relations and allowed to set out the ways of their decisions through the diversification of Latin American and Russian mutual trade.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2013;(1):51-59

Prospects of business participation in the international development assistance programs in the context of access to the markets of developing countries
The article discusses the prospects of business participation in the programs of international development assistance (IDA) in the context of access to the markets of developing countries, including Tropical Africa. It describes why emerging markets are attractive for the Russian companies. The analysis of the main forms of business participation in the programs of international assistance on bilateral (tied aid) as well as on multilateral basis (MDBs) is given.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2013;(1):60-66

Main features of the functioning of commercial capital in the agricultural sector of developing countries
This article examines special features of the structure of the trade complex in developing countries, where the in first field “Import of capital goods for the village” a central role is occupied by large retail chains but not by industrial companies. The article also analyses other features of the agrarian reforms in these countries (problems of the “green revolution” of industrial cooperation, issues of state support for agriculture).
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2013;(1):67-72

Public private partnership in the conditions of crisis International Slavic Institute
The public private partnership is a basis of the theory of mixed economy. Transition to economy model with the developed institutional form of partnership is the most real option of an exit of Russia from crisis. Updating of various models of the partnership, connected with regional, branch features, mentality, an environment provides not only production, but also renders multiplicate economic effect, strengthens social stability. Scientific novelty of the executed research consists in creation of the concept of development of PPP institute in the conditions of increase of global and in-Russian transformation processes and justification of methods of the state support.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2013;(1):73-81

Problems of development of social responsibility of business in the conditions of modern Russia
Article is devoted to questions of development of socially responsible business which being «a public resource» can and should be considered as one of the most important factors of sustained economic growth. In article the main problems of formation of socially responsible business in Russia during the post-crisis period are analyzed and the most important tendencies of its development in the conditions of the globalization and integration processes occurring in world economy come to light.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2013;(1):82-87

Qualitative and quantitative features of Russian and EU’s banking sectors
This article presents a comparative analysis of European and Russian banking systems. A short historic reference of Russian and European banking systems creation is given. This article also presents structural characteristics of Russian and EU’s banking systems. This article features data showing differences in scale (quantity of financial organizations and their labor; capital and reserves as well as assets of banks compared to GDP), differences in profitability (RoE, RoA and each worker’s marginal profit), differences in quality of financial mechanism and banking service (quality of credit mechanism and number of persons served by one bank). The results show a lag in Russian banking system development in comparison to European banking system.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2013;(1):88-97

The analysis of innovative activity in the services sector: experience of the countries of Europe
The growth of service activities in different sectors of the economy is now widely recognized. Changes of the structure of modern economies demonstrate the importance of service activity and the issue of service innovations is highly relevant today. Experience of the countries of Europe is successful; it is necessary to study, competently to use achievement for the purpose of increase of efficiency, improvement of business processes in various conditions.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2013;(1):98-104

Main trends of process of intellectualisation
In the article the global trends in the process of intellectualization of the economy, shows the process of economic globalization and the development of higher education and science, made aware that globalization is constantly decreasing particle material production and increasing particle services and creation of new knowledge, products, which is characterized as intellectual property; hence a need for internationalization of research activities, which includes two main components: the migration of scientists between the two countries — the creators of knowledge transfer and consistent part of the creation of technological knowledge of the countries — the recognized leaders in this field in the old quarter that are actively developing, studied the internationalization of education, which carried out by the export of education.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2013;(1):105-112

Model of management of consumer behaviour in the social and significant market (the case of the pharmaceutical market)
In article factors of influence on behavior of consumers, in socially significant market are considered. It is defined motivations of consumer behavior in the pharmaceutical market. The model of formation of requirement for various medicinal brands is revealed.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2013;(1):113-122

Economic substance of infrastructure and its key features in construction
The article reveals the concept of infrastructure in light of different theoretical approaches, distinguishing its content and key features in order to determine the place of infrastructure in scientific theory and business activity. It is suggested to define infrastructure in two aspects: as economic category and as economic system. The above allows structuring existing definitions of infrastructure and justifying requirements to its functioning mechanism. Key features of infrastructure in construction are provided that allows suggesting author’s definition of infrastructure in construction as economic category and as economic system.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2013;(1):123-130

Our Authors
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2013;(1):131-132

For the authors of «vestnik», series «Economics»
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2013;(1):133-135