No 1 (2011)
- Year: 2011
- Articles: 14
- URL:
Segmentation of competition and competitive advantages of banks on Russian banking market
In the article questions of specificity of banks' competition on Russian market and approaches to it's analysis are risen. Author suggests a more detailed segmentation of competition, than Bank of Russia does, basing on the residence of bank owners and the size of bank's assets. Competitiveness analysis based on number of qualitative and quantitative indicators is performed in the article. As a result competitive advantages and disadvantages affecting banks' competitiveness on Russian market are revealed. Author considers state-owned banks as national champions and finds some evidence of equilibrium in the segment of large banks, except the group of first echelon, where threats towards Russian banks competitiveness are found.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2011;(1):5-11

Belarus: profile of partner for innovation through the eyes of the world's rating agencies
The article discusses the current economic situation in the Republic of Belarus on a number of indicators, which are crucial when choosing a partner in innovation activity: the state tax system, corruption index, the index of human development, business activity. A brief analysis of the current position of Belarus made on the basis of the World Economic Forum and global rating agencies. The state is estimated as a potential partner in the innovation area. An innovative profile of the state has been drawn.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2011;(1):12-21

Business consolidation theory and practice (the case of world nanoindustry)
The article is covering the following topics: modern specifics of theory and practice of consolidation in the frames of today's problems and processes of companies' innovation development. The problem of utilization of effective methods and models of companies' mergers is researched from the position of processes analysis which is connected to integration, concentration, centralization and consolidation of companies' businesses. Particular attention is paid to the strategic development of Russian and CIS nanoindustry. The conclusions and recommendations were made for the establishment and further development of russian nanoindustry in crisis and post-crisis conditions.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2011;(1):22-29

Choice, transfer and influence of technologies on branch structure of the China industry
The main idea of the article to investigate various aspects of the Chinese policy on attraction of foreign technology and change's in China industry structure, basis on this attraction. Thereupon stages and forms of acquisition of a foreign technology and the equipment by China, sources of financing of foreign technology are in detail analyzed, as well as, participation of the basic foreign partners in People's Republic of China national economy modernization and technological priorities in the given sphere. Given consideration to new tendencies in import technology and the problem's generated by them in modern China.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2011;(1):30-36

The state support of innovative
In article dynamics of financing of agriculture of Russia in realization of the national project «Agrarian and industrial complex Development» c 2006 till now is analyzed, the basic directions of the anti-recessionary regulation which has allowed domestic agrobusiness to overcome negative influence of world financial and economic crisis and to provide growth of production reveal. Recommendations about perfection of the state support of innovative activity and increase agrobusiness on this basis of its economic efficiency are resulted.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2011;(1):37-44

Foreign experience of innovation
The article deals with the innovative environment of leading German Universities in the field of nanotechnology. The author summarizes main features of the modern German innovation system and focuses on the experience of state support of innovation activity in German academic sector. Particular attention is paid to the management structure and funding mechanisms of the most effective German nanotechnological education and research centres. The conclusions may have practical importance for the formation of an effective model of innovative environment of Russian Universities.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2011;(1):45-51

Virtual enterprise: formation, nature and advantages
The article deals with urgent and significant matters of economic theory and practice in development and long-term outlook for creation of virtual enterprises as objects of management in information-based economy. It looks at origins and evolutionary stages of telecommuting with description of main periods in development of telecommuting in the West. The article offers theoretical analysis of concepts and gist of virtual enterprise and points out several researchers holding different opinions on novelty of virtual enterprises. Advantages of virtual enterprises are assessed from marketing and practical viewpoints. The main emphasis is on merits and advantages of virtual enterprises in the global business environment. Despite numerous publications on this subject the author endeavours to take original approach to definition of virtual organization, internal and external features of its environment, advantages of operating such organization and other problems.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2011;(1):52-58

Features of the development strategy of marketing communications on the automotive market
Article is devoted to the peculiarities of marketing communications strategies in the automotive market. Shows the status and specifics of the Russian automotive market, the urgency of strategic planning at all levels of the automotive corporations. The author of the specificity of marketing communications in the automotive market. By identifying specific guidelines formulated a strategy of marketing communications automotive corporations. Accounting for defined principles is a necessary condition of the automobile corporations in strategic communications space.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2011;(1):59-66

Main trends of team management developing in managerial consulting market
The article considers the main trends of team management developing in nowadays companies and in the managerial consulting market. Timeliness of the problem is mandated by the novelty and upcoming trend of team methods of work in the increasing efficiently of the organizational work. The object of the article is to analyse the main trends of team management on the managerial consulting market and in the native companies. The article considers the approaches to give a definition of the term team, outlines the analysis of the team features and the difference between team and group, being discussed in the historical aspects on teambuilding in management and gives out the analysis of the main approaches of teambuilding in the nowadays companies practices. The article highlights the problems, in the course of team management developing in the managerial consulting market particularly in Russian Federation. To engage in an attempt to give brief teambuilding services analysis on the native managerial consulting market, to study the existing teambuilding tools and to find out its advantage and disadvantage.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2011;(1):67-73

US retail companies development: The Wal-Mart Stores case
In his article the author, basing on the example of the largest North-American retail company Wal-Mart Stores, depicts the main trends, stages and key development features of US retail companies in the end of the XXth - start of XXIst centuries. Wal-Mart is compared with other world trade leaders, with its successful initiatives and failures described. Between the key growth factors, special attention is paid the new supply chain model of Wal-Mart, which was put in place in the mid 1970-ies and became the best practice for the whole industry. In conclusion, the importance of US companies for the world retail sector is analysed, as well as their development perspectives for the coming years.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2011;(1):74-82

III International conference World and Russia: regionalism and globalization
The article focuses on the results of the III International Conference World and Russia: regionalism and globalization (with youth scientific school), 11-12 November 2010 at the Faculty of Economics, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2011;(1):83-87

I International conference International Marketing Strategies of Companies in the Post-Crisis World. Developed & Emerging Markets, CIS & Russia
The article focuses on the results of the I International Research-to-Practice Conference «International Marketing Strategies of Companies in the Post-Crisis World. Developed & Emerging Markets, CIS & Russia», 9-10 December 2010 at the Faculty of Economics, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2011;(1):88-92

Our Authors
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2011;(1):93-94

For the Authors of vestnik, series Economics
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2011;(1):95-97