
Issue Title File
No S5 (2012) Post-crisis dialogue between Russia and Europe: historical patterns and the new features PDF


Malkovskaya I.A.
No S5 (2012) Global financial and economic crisis and its impact on strategic approaches to sustainable economic development PDF


Kushlin V.I.
No 4 (2012) Innovative role of strategic alliances: world practice and Russian situation PDF


Zobov A.M.
No S5 (2012) The strategy of economis losses reduction from natural disasters in Europe (water shortage, water crisis and forest fires) PDF


Sorokin L.V.
No S5 (2012) Modern theory of economics: demonstrations of crisis and movement to humanistic economics PDF


Nekhoda E.V., Sakharova Z.E.
No 4 (2012) Innovations in the developing countries agriculture PDF


Eifari A.K., Semenovich V.S.
No S5 (2012) Integration development in the post-soviet space PDF


Bystryakov A.Y.
No S5 (2012) The issues of financial economics in modern research studies through the perspective of the world crisis PDF


Tyuleneva N.A.
No 4 (2012) Conditions of development of diversified economy of Perm territory: regional aspect PDF


Klimov V.G.
No S5 (2012) Evolution of integration processes on post-soviet space PDF


Andronova I.V.
No S5 (2012) Priorities for sustainable economic system PDF


Kotegov S.A.
No 4 (2012) The analysis and assessment of risks in activity of the metallurgical companies of Russia PDF


Shishkina N.E., Schesnyak E.L., Karpus N.P.
No S5 (2012) National debt management in modern Russia PDF


Ponomarenko E.V.
No S5 (2012) Our Authors PDF


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No 4 (2012) Sustainable development reporting: trends, drivers, and challenges PDF


Efimova O.V.
No S5 (2012) Development of state entrepreneurship in Russia: industrial parks PDF


Stolyarova E.I.
No S5 (2012) For the authors of «Vestnik», series «Economics» PDF


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No 4 (2012) Risk management and specifics of access of the broker companies on the currency market of the Moscow exchange PDF


Golovin E.A., Golodova Z.G., Fedyakina L.N.
No S5 (2012) Word of the editorial board PDF


Ponomarenko E.V.
No S5 (2012) The global trends of media advertisement market: the Russian angle PDF


Trubnikova N.V.
No 4 (2012) Evaluation and main directions of improving the stability of the banking system in Russia in economic uncertainty PDF


Golovina E.E., Preys V.Y.
No S5 (2012) Global crisis and geopolitical perspectives of Russia and the European Union PDF


Goreglyad V.P.
No S5 (2012) State policies to stimulate investment processes in conditions of modernization of Russian economy PDF


Malakhova T.A.
No 4 (2012) The problems of formation of the technological structure of industrial production PDF


Chaplyuk V.Z.
No S5 (2012) The Debt Crisis in Eurozone and Perspectives of its Solution PDF


Davtyan M.A.
No S5 (2012) Tax harmonization in the CIS countries: trends of development PDF


Ranchinskaya Y.S.
No 3 (2012) Role of state in the system of innovative-competitive development of Russia PDF


Kuchukov R.A., Savka A.V.
No 3 (2012) The relevance of industrial enterprises waste processing for livestock PDF


Zhantemirov S.A.
No 3 (2012) State anti-crises fiscal policy in the context of positive economic theory PDF


Pilipenko O.I.
No 3 (2012) International economic relations of world philatelic business: the history of foundation, development and modern status PDF


Strygin A.V.
No 3 (2012) State budgets functions in the national economic systems: methodological aspects PDF


Morozova E.A.
No 3 (2012) Our Authors PDF


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No 3 (2012) Problems of economic development of the modernized economy of Russia PDF


Chaplyuk V.Z., Karagod V.S.
No 3 (2012) For the authors of «vestnik», series «Economics» PDF


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No 3 (2012) International system of countermeasures for criminal income legalization and financing terrorism PDF


Selesnev A.G.
No 3 (2012) Regional integration as a factor of increasing national competitive ability PDF


Sopilko N.U.
No 3 (2012) Valuation of economic geographical position and social and economic development of Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic PDF


Fedorov P.P.
No 3 (2012) Foreign experience of public-private partnership on foreign markets PDF


Degtereva E.A.
No 3 (2012) Mechanism of increase of efficiency of the state financial control PDF


Platonova S.E.
No 3 (2012) Risk Based pricing of loans to corporate borrowers based on economic capital allocation and migration matrixes PDF


Surzhko D.A., Trofimov A.N., Khovanskiy N.K.
No 2 (2012) Comparative research of innovation investment efficiency by example of electric energy companies of the GAZPROM group PDF


Nazarova Y.A., Kosterin S.G., Kosterin A.G., Dolgushin V.D.
No 2 (2012) Exceptions management in project-oriented company PDF


Matyushok S.V.
No 2 (2012) Long way to economic education for sustainable development PDF


Akimova T.A.
No 2 (2012) Drifts of investment projects efficiency analysis in view of the influence of ecological factors PDF


Petrova E.E.
No 2 (2012) Power machine building in Russia: current state and perspectives of modernization PDF


Zhukov V.S.
No 2 (2012) Our Authors PDF


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No 2 (2012) Internationalization peculiarities of the company's activities in the sector of professional business services PDF


Frolova E.D., Rodionova I.A., Shishmintsev M.Y.
No 2 (2012) For the authors of «vestnik», series «Economics» PDF


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No 2 (2012) The international experience of pharmaceutical products price regulation (on example of Europe) PDF


Akhmetov A.E.
No 2 (2012) Supranational regulation of the strategic raw materials markets in the European Union PDF


Degtereva E.A.
No 2 (2012) US retail corporations' liquidity in 2000-2010: dynamics before and during the crisis PDF


Sidorov M.A.
No 2 (2012) Russian model of financial market: contradictions and prospects for development PDF


Blokhina T.K.
No 2 (2012) The peculiarities of mortgage market in Russia in the uncertain time PDF


Koshman A.S.
No 2 (2012) Innovative potential of CIS countries: global trends and factors of competitiveness PDF


Zobov A.M.
No 1 (2012) Problems and prospects of production and realization of vegetables in the Bryansk region PDF


Ulyanova N.D., Grishaeva S.N.
No 1 (2012) Selection of priority sectors for public-private partnerships PDF


Bylym E.S., Bystryakov A.Y.
No 1 (2012) Planning and monitoring work through communication and cost profile of the project PDF


Smarzhevsky I.A.
No 1 (2012) Creation of models for forecasting banks' net incomes from currency operations PDF


Gumerov M.F.
No 1 (2012) Development of educational system in the Kingdom of Bahrain and its impact on the overall economic development PDF


Gorshkova L.Y.
No 1 (2012) The strategy of innovating development of Russian Federation: regional cluster-based policy of the old-industrial region (the case of «Titanium Valley» - Ural) PDF


Rodionova I.A., Stepanov A.V.
No 1 (2012) Renewable energies: new energy revolution PDF


Ghediri A.
No 1 (2012) Export promotion system in Russian Federation. Moscow experience PDF


Voyteshonok Y.A.
No 1 (2012) Our Authors PDF


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No 1 (2012) The impact of trade liberalization on economic growth in MERCOSUR countries PDF


Levchenko I.V.
No 1 (2012) For the authors of «vestnik», series «Economics» PDF


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No 1 (2012) Direct taxes harmonization process in the EU: main results and trends PDF


Ranchinskaya Y.S.
No 1 (2012) Development of trade and economic cooperation between Russia and Indonesia PDF


Sabon V.L.
No 1 (2012) Regional aspects of the economic mechanism of ecologization production PDF


Yuzbekov, M.A., Yuzbekov A.K.
No S5 (2011) The State-Businessman in Postcrisis Russia PDF


Stolyarova E.I.
No 4 (2011) Regional socio-economic disparities in Poland PDF


Wąsowicz J.
No S5 (2011) The World Is Going Through “Finance Revolution” PDF


Panova T.V.
No 4 (2011) Our Authors PDF


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No S5 (2011) Serbie et les pays des Balkans entre l’UE et la Russie dans le contexte de la crise PDF


Redzepazhik S., Danon M., Zafirovski Y.
No S5 (2011) Russian Automotive Industry: Anti-Crisis Management and Prospects of Development PDF


Ponomarenko E.V., Chernikov A.V.
No 4 (2011) European way to innovative economy PDF


Matushok V.M., Kravtsov A.A.
No S5 (2011) Development of Coordination and Cooperation of Federal and Regional Authorities at the Budget Process of Russian Federation PDF


Larina S.E.
No 4 (2011) For the Authors of «vestnik», series «Economics» PDF


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No S5 (2011) La Tunisie apres la revolution du 14 janvier 2011 Repenser la cooperation euro-mediterraneenne PDF


Gorbel' A.
No S5 (2011) Management of Regional Development in Russia: Main Trends of Modern Regional Policy PDF


Mironova M.N.
No 4 (2011) Specific features of innovative sector in Russia PDF


Volgina N.A., Garbar V.V., Palamarchuk N.Y.
No S5 (2011) The Development of the Requirements System to the Quality of the Social Finance Management PDF


Vysotskiy P.A.
No S5 (2011) La crise financiere internationale et la gouvernance economique et politique: quels enjeux pour les pays maghrebins? PDF


Benabdennur A., El' V.M., Ul'd S.M.
No S5 (2011) Investment Attractiveness of Russian Regions PDF


Lazanyuk I.V., Sazonova J.N.
No 4 (2011) The regions of the Siberian federal district: the estimation of innovation potential and prospects for socio-economic development PDF


Tyuleneva N.A.
No S5 (2011) Word of the editorial board PDF


Ponomarenko E.V.
No S5 (2011) Russia’s Practice of the State Finance Control Implementation at the Terms of the Social-Economic Crisis PDF


Mizintseva V.V.
No S5 (2011) La menace de la crise economique dans les pays MENA. Le cas de l’Algerie PDF


Zemuri M., Merazga A.
No S5 (2011) Informatization as an Innovative Factor of Russia’s Regional Development PDF


Mizintseva M.F.
No 4 (2011) Specific problems of public procurement in health care (the case ofe pharmaceutical industry and market medical equipment) PDF


Shakhovskaya L.S., Peskova O.S.
No S5 (2011) Paradoxes of Globalization and Challenges for Russia PDF


Gusakov N.P.
No S5 (2011) La crise economique mondiale comme revelateur de la crise de la theorie macro-economique et de la necessite de sa reconstruction PDF


Bertom'e K., Ri A.
No S5 (2011) La Serbie et la perspective de son entree dans l’UE dans le contexte de la crise PDF


Redzepazhik S., Danon M., Zafirovski Y.
No S5 (2011) Models of Agriculture Development: Scenarios for Europe and Russia PDF


Naumov A.S.
No 4 (2011) Organisational mechanism of public-private partnership development management abroad PDF


Yastrebov O.A.
No S5 (2011) Raw Materials in the Center of the World Shock PDF


Brunet A., Guichard J.-.
No S5 (2011) To the Theory of the Markets of the Sponsored Blessings PDF


Rubinshtein A.Y.
No S5 (2011) New Quality of Economic Growth in Russia and Possible Scenarios of its Development PDF


Goregliad V.P.
No S5 (2011) Position of Russia and France on the Global Food Market: Trends and Prospects PDF


Kholina V.N.
No 4 (2011) Modern approach to project management, a method of implementing quick-impact activities PDF


Revinova S.Y., Smolenskaya V.V.
No S5 (2011) L’Europe et la Chine face a la crise: politiques, performances, enjeux PDF


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