Translation as a Form of Cross-Literary Dialogue (On the Material of the Translation of A. Yeniki’s Novel “Unvoiced Will” by S. Khozina)

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The Russian reader, who doesn’t know tatar language, can get to know A. Yeniki’s works only through their translated versions, that is why we need to analyze structural features of and the content of the translated texts in the aspect of cross-literary communication and dialogue. Jenre-stylistic transformations of the authentic work in the translated texts are revealed on the base of their comparative analysis. The base is his view on the translation as a form of the dialogue of cultures, reflecting interaction not only various national languages, but artistic models of the world as well. It is stated that, S. Khozinaresorts to the nazira genre in her translation of the “Unspoken will”. The main directions in which the cooperation of the translator and the author of the work is carried out are revealed: depiction of the inner world of the character is changed; the lyrical orientation of the narrative is enhanced; philosophical subtext of the told story is actualized, incriminating tendency deepens. The results obtained can be used in the solution of current problems of intercultural communication and the dialogue, in the preparation of the comments to translations of A. Yeniki’s works for the Russian reader.

About the authors

Liliya I. Fakhrutdinova

Institute of World Literature A.M. Gorky Russian Academy of Sciences

Author for correspondence.

postgraduate student of the Department of Russian and Foreign Literature at the Institute of Philology and intercultural communication, assistant of the Preparatory school for foreign students at the Kazan Federal University

25a, Povarskaya Str., Moscow, 121069, Russian Federation

Venera R. Amineva

Kazan federal university


Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Department of Russian and Foreign Literature at the Institute of Philology and intercultural communication

18, Kremlevskaya Str., Kazan city, 420008, the Republic of Tatarstan, Russian Federation


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