No 2 (2013)


Cultural Codes as Factors Forming Value Orientations

Klimenkova A.M.


The article focuses on the role of cultural codes in forming value orientations. The cultural code is considered as the “ideal unit”, which attributes symbolic meanings to objects and phenomena, and creates the basis for forming notions about the value of these objects and phenomena to the individual. The cultural codes form the system of subjective coordinates within which the individual's life-activity unfolds.
RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2013;(2):5-12
pages 5-12 views

A Study of Territorial Clusters: Sociological Approach

Tarasenko V.V.


The author raises the problem of theoretical and applied analysis of clusters. The theoretical problems include: the understanding of social dynamics and social structures of clusters, some methodological problems. The applied tasks are: knowledge and social networks management of clusters, the formation of cluster policy, development of cluster initiatives.
RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2013;(2):13-20
pages 13-20 views

Civic Activity of the Youth: Variants of Conceptualizing the Notion

Savelieva E.A.


Recently Russia has seen a growing civic activity and realization of values in various social-demographic groups, especially — among the youth. Civic activity and the corresponding values are usually considered in the context of political involvement, taking into account the social capital, and in view of participation in non-government public movements. But this approach is too narrow, as civic activity is related not only to politics and socially significant actions, but is also part and parcel of the people's everyday life. On the basis of secondary analysis of the empirical data (received, primarily, in in-depth interviews) and the results of the focus-groups realized by the author, we can conclude that civic activity, besides its objective outer component, by all means includes the inner aim at active transformation of self and the social world around.
RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2013;(2):21-31
pages 21-31 views

A Social State in Russia: Twenty Years Later

Kochetkova L.N.


The article is devoted to the implementation of the welfare state principles in modern Russian politics. The author argues that the theoretical and practical attempts in the context of the economic crisis aimed at getting rid of the welfare state institutions contradict the Russian Constitution and may therefore cause adverse effects in politics as well as society. The article emphasizes the value of the welfare state in the formation of the new social ideal.
RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2013;(2):32-40
pages 32-40 views

Social Orphanhood in Today’s Russia: The Situation and Determinants

Kozhevnikova E.I.


The article considers social orphanhood as a phenomenon where children and teenagers have parents who for some reasons are not engaged in their upbringing, do not take care of them and have no control over their children's actions. As of today, the main reasons for social orphanhood are the following: the crisis of the family in modern society, unstable marriages, divorces, deprivation of parents' rights, rejection of newly-born babies, financial problems in the family. Social orphanhood increases when the social-economic situation in the country gets more complicated, with drug addiction, alcoholism and other pathological conditions in society getting wide-spread.
RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2013;(2):41-50
pages 41-50 views

Economic and Social Capital of the Bashkir People

Valiahmetov R.M., Kadyrov S.H., Yagafarova D.G.


The article presents the analysis of the social and economic development of the Bashkir ethnos based on the evaluation of its ethnic and cultural resources. The authors examine the conversion of the social capital of the ethnos into the economic capital, the correlation of the cultural features of the Bashkirs with the indices of the living standards and economic development. The authors believe that the cultural differences of ethnoses act as one of the factors directly affecting the adaptability of ethnic groups to the changing economic conditions.
RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2013;(2):51-63
pages 51-63 views

Peculiarities of Municipal Workers’ Outlook in Arkhangelsk Region: Between the State and the Citizens

Nikulin A.M.


The article is based on the materials of the sociological study “The outlook of state and municipal servants of the Russian Federation: professional ethics, political views, peculiarities of interacting with the central government and the local population”, conducted in the summer of 2012 by sociologists of the RANE&PS in several regions of Russia. The author of the article personally participated in studying the outlook of officials in Arkhangelsk region, where he collected twenty in-depth interviews with municipal officials in two districts of Arkhangelsk region, as well as in Arkhangelsk itself.
RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2013;(2):64-77
pages 64-77 views

Students’ Specific Reactions in Conflict Situations

Tretyakov K.N., Sheremetyeva U.M., Kulikova N.V.


The article presents the results of the research aimed to reveal the most characteristic forms of young people's reaction to conflict situations in the student environment. The analysis of the results of the research among university students shows that all the five ways of reacting to conflict situations are characteristic of them, they are: competition (confrontation), cooperation, compromise, avoidance (evasion) and adaptation. Specific kinds of reaction to conflict were identified depending on gender for the students with humanitarian and technical specialties.
RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2013;(2):78-88
pages 78-88 views

The Dynamics of Value Orientations of Subjects of the Russian Electoral Process

Lupenkova E.Y.


The article analyzes the value aspect of electoral choice, examining the dependence of value orientations on the socio-demographic characteristics and quality of life. In the context of election campaigns conducted in 2007 and 2011, the nature of the influence of values on the political choices is described on the basis of the data of opinion polls.
RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2013;(2):89-96
pages 89-96 views

Current Problems of Public Administration (PA): A View on the Evolution of Organizing and Managing Socio-Economic Structures

Ignatskaya M.A.


The paper deals with the problems of modern public administration (PA) in terms of its evolution on the whole, and, in particular, discusses the forms of organization and management of contemporary socioeconomic structures. The accumulated world experience in the above sphere is highlighted in order to reveal how it correlates with Russian socio-cultural sphere and its peculiar features. Thus, the key conditions and factors contributing to the formation of Russian specific features are identified, primarily those which directly determine the possibilities and limitations for introducing social innovations.
RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2013;(2):97-109
pages 97-109 views

Characteristics of Russian Professionals’ Organizational Behavior

Khurtina V.V.


The paper describes organizational behavior of Russian professionals at the individual and organizational levels. The characteristics of Russian professionals’ organizational behavior are examined on the basis of the Russian Longitudinal Monitoring Survey of HSE, depending on the qualification level and age.
RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2013;(2):110-123
pages 110-123 views

Ethnic Problems in Sociological Work in Market Conditions

Aimautova N.E., Onzimba L.Z., Trykina O.A.


The article considers some problems arising when a sociologist renders services to the customer; a general description of a modern sociologist's activities is given where their results can be seen as “goods”. The work of a sociologist fulfilled to order, is seen as something providing for managerial activities. At the same time, the sociologist taking the order either defines his individual position, or he does not. There may exist different limitations for the sociologist's self-identification in a situation of ethical conflict in relation to interaction with the customer: political and general life views, philosophical and academic approaches, moral and ethical principles and values, situational characteristics etc.
RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2013;(2):124-138
pages 124-138 views

The Sociological Aspect of Commercial Communications: Modern Practices in the Context of World Trend

Mouzykant V.L., Mouzykant P.V.


The article describes the nature of the relationship between the researcher and the respondents. The authors prove that reliable and complete sociological information can be obtained in case of establishing equal relations and holding a free discussion between them. The article analyzes the accompanying problems of interrelation between the sociological factors of emergence of advertising as a mass phenomenon and their inseparable connection with mass culture and the mass media.
RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2013;(2):139-149
pages 139-149 views

A Person’s Elite-Oriented Activity in the Management System

Karabuschenko N.B.


The article examines the essence of a person's elite-oriented activity that is typical for the management systems of different types of elites: political, business, military and intellectual.
RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2013;(2):150-157
pages 150-157 views


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RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2013;(2):158
pages 158 views


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RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2013;(2):159-160
pages 159-160 views

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